Stacie & Repentant #fundie


My new husband has been faithful to follow what the book, Every Man's Battle, suggests one do to overcome all sexual temptations. I am so proud of him for all the changes he has made in this area for the better.

One problem: He keeps having dreams that he is looking at pornography, masturbating or having sex with other women.

From a man's point of view, what can I do to help him with this? Somestimes I cry when he tells me, sometimes I encourage to keep fighting it and comfort him by saying it was just a dream. In real life, I respect him - but his dream life is hurting us.

Also from a man who has recovered from all this, will these dreams decrease the longer he keeps his eyes pure in the real world? Will they end?


That's a tough one. For me, it took quite some time for them to decrease, but my experience was nearly identical to the guys in the book. Somewhere around the 2 month mark, I dreamt that I was in a large van with a bunch of other men who were commenting on a woman outside the window. I remember very specifically in my dream turning my head in the opposite direction to avoid it. Even now when they happen, my actions in the dream tend to be more of fighting the scenario...kind of weird, but a good thing.



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