Here's a verse to think about:
"A companion of fools shall be destroyed." - Proverbs 13:20
If you get a group of 30 2nd graders together, what do you have? You have a companion of fools. The same thing works for the older ones. If you get a group of 20 - 30 10th graders together, more than likely there is going to be one or two kids who become the leaders and they are going to lead everyone. A group of 10th graders are going to want to get into trouble and have "fun", etc. They are also a companion of fools. If you do not want your children to be brought to either physical or spiritual destruction, I would recommend that you homeschool your kids!
companion 1 Pronunciation (km-pnyn)
a. A person who accompanies or associates with another; a comrade.
b. A domestic partner.
2. A person employed to assist, live with, or travel with another.
3. One of a pair or set of things; a mate.
tr.v. companioned, companioning, companions
To be a companion to; accompany.
company Pronunciation (kmp-n)
n. pl. companies
1. A group of persons.
Matthew 5:22
But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca, ' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.
Here's your handbasket, have a nice trip!
If you do not want your children to be brought to either physical or spiritual destruction, I would recommend that you homeschool your kids!
Or you can just send them to public school, and be a PARENT and teach them about peer pressure and right from wrong.
If you post regularly at Teen-4-Christ, YOU are a companion of fools.
The group of you together would be either a companionship of fools or a company of fools.
A companion is a single person, fuckwit.
Wow. Every that I read Teen4Christ, I feel sad.
Most of them sounds like nice people just unable to look further than there nose and randomly quoting Bible (not very wise interpretation by the way. When I read There was no school at that time, so this quote can only mean Don't send your child to school'", I don't know if I should laugh or cry.) to try make a point they seem to repeat more than to really think. Come on, can't they see how school changed our society? That average education level is probably (I don't have figures) way higher know than 70 years, when our grandparents were leaving school at about 12 because it wasn't compulsory any longer and youth usualy started to work? How insufficient education is a real problem in many developping countries and how there is a need for school?
Luckily there still are a few who see the possible flaws of being homeschooled and don't demonize public school.
Well, I guess if I hear some of them talking about other religion or politics, I'd be less sad but angrier.
I'm wondering if reading FSTDT is not just a long series of disillusions. Well, I guess that some forums you find starting from FSTDT aren't especially the ones that bring you back faith in mankind.
Die Mensch-Maschine, formerly (not) known (at all) as 7 10 12
[edit]After further reading, I have to admit that Bro. Randy however is fundie enough to make me laugh again. But how the hell can anybody agree with him? Are they all that stupid?[/edit]
And when your kids get out into the real world, having been convinced that everyone else is a fool, they're going to wind up alone, friendless, and bitter.
Yeah, I distinctly remember having a teacher in second grade, and we all revered her and followed her guidance.
And yeah, I really don't see teachers as fools. Rather, I see them as quite intellectual, cognitive, and really good with kids. And just about everyone can agree with that.
If home schooling is the answer, why can't this home-schooled fuckwit differentiate between "companion" and "company"? I went to public school from kindergarten to my Bachelor's degree, and I manage to tell the difference between those words just fine.
Ye gods, the irony....
saved4ever, I think this verse is warning against associating with you... (or any T4Cer, really)
You couldn't make it up, could you?
do you mean to say that the ultimate thing in life would be to see your child have head knowledge (like math, science ect.)?
i mean what is being smart for a short time here on earth conpared to eternity? would't you much rather see your kids make a differance for God? how are you going to pour your life into thares if your not with them for most of the day? you don't know what they are teaching them at school.
yes, ive been homeshooled all my life and love it!
I've personally got nothing against homeschooling, provided those doing it know what they're doing. It has the potential of allowing children to study and learn more in depth than they would ordinarily have time for in a normal school setting. I think it can be a very positive thing for some children (not all).
That said, I've met maybe one or two people who could truly pull this off. The rest were fundamentalists who didn't have the first clue about how to impart basic knowledge. I've encountered countless people who were pro-homeschool and anti-education.
Anyway, even among fundamentalists, this has got to be THE MOST STUPID REASON FOR HOMESCHOOLING, EVER.
So, you mean that God wants you to get isolated?, to live in an island instead of educating your kids to get more personality?, that´s why people run away from you, don´t get wrong. Let´s take the other way round, it will happen too in the church or in any institution since people get together. Homeschool is a failure for just one reason, it´s elitist, it´s expensive and it´s not for everyone. If you can´t make a rule of yours universal, it´s not good. Immanuel Kant, a genius.
Er, groups of teenagers in school don't become organized with leaders spontaneously and do crazy stuff. Well, except that one time when we seceded from the school and wrote a Declaration of Independence. That was fun.
I liked the quote
'I never thought of looking in the Bible about homeschooling'
Strangely enough, I never though of looking in the Babble when I reformatted my hard drive.
And Jesus said,
"Truly I say unto you, FORMAT /SYS C:"
dude i know this kid that used to be homeschooled, and he is the biggest fucked up douchebag that i've ever met. and not only is he an antisocial douchebag, but he's as dumb as.. lets say.. saved4ever??
We are in the company of billions of people on earth. You are a fool. Hence, we are companions of a fool. Therefore, we shall all be destroyed, QED.
America, you are in sooo much trouble if you keep this up.
I can imagine that in 100 years or so you won't even be one of the top 10 superpowers anymore.
France - Shall we proceed with the plan?
China - What does the USA think
Germany - Who cares. They think God made us
All - Hahahahahahaha.
Japan - Yup, they sure are stupid.
I am so tired of quotes like this and offhanded insults about home-schooling.
Home-schooling is not why this person has a narrow world view, terrible spelling, dreadful vocabulary, etc; this is the result of a crappy fundamentalist upbringing and a poorly thought out home-school curriculum. However, fundamentalists with this mindset are no better off, in my opinion, in public or private school. They are indoctrinated by their parents or guardians to be skeptical of all non-religious learning.
Seems to be confusing "companion" with "company."
A 'companion of fools' is someone who hangs around them. (See: fundie)
A 'company of fools' would be a group of fools.
I also fail to see how homeschooling prevents "physical or spiritual destruction." Unless you're only testing on Bible quotes, which is likely the case for the OP.
We ain't needin' no fancy skool-larnin', nosir.
[EDIT] Not meaning to bash homeschooling here - it's not bad, when given the right curriculum & a decent teacher. However, from the tone of this post's thread, it seems that the only education this kid received was on how to be an ignorant fundie hermit. [/EDIT]
While I support homeschooling, this is retarded. Homeschooling should be used due to the stupid shit like No Child Left Behind and the fact they go at the pace of the dumbest child, not because you're insane.
Arguably, it could mean any single entity rather than necessarily an actual person, especially colloquially or in specific contexts (eg, animals kept for health purposes are commonly called companions). For instance, "Lehman Brothers was for too long a companion to fools such as Dick Fuld" is a perfectly comprehensible statement, with the message that Mr Fuld was a blinkered idiot who should have been fired six months earlier.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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