Please show us how your secular humanist ideas are better for society than Judeo-Christian doctrine?
Here, let me help:
*56 million unborn babies murdered in the womb in a 41 year period.
*Children as young as 13 years old contracting AIDS from their homosexual edlers.
*No-fault divorce resulting in fatherless homes, causing children to turn to drugs and crime.
Etc etc etc.
1. An embryo is not a baby, and your figure itself is a lie.
2. Citations, please, and do some reading about how kids really get AIDS.
3. There were plenty of divorces before No Fault came along.
1.,An embryo is not a baby, and your figure itself is a lie.
2. Citations, please, and do some reading about how miss really get AIDS.
3. There were plenty of divorces before No Fault came along.
And the millions upon millions killed by Gobs WEREN'T murdered?
Homosexuality!=pedophilia. And AIDS does not work that way!
No-fault divorce and single-parent homes do not necessarily lead to drugs and crime. There is such a thing as a successful single-parent home.
* How many "unborn babies" were miscarried during that time? How many women were saved from dying due to complications from pregnancy and childbirth, because they had an abortion?
* More heterosexuals contract HIV now than homosexuals. Girls as young as a couple of months old contract HIV in Africa, because men have been lead to believe that having sex with a virgin will cure HIV (because we all know that a man’s life is more important than a girl’s). Btw, very, very few people get full-blown AIDS now, thanks to secular scientific research.
* No fault divorces result in two places to call home, each with a happy parent, instead of one home with two unhappy parents. Citation, please, which shows that people with divorced parents turn to drugs and crime, and that people with parents who live together even though they don't want to, do NOT turn to drugs and crime. Besides, quite a few of those fatherless homes where already fatherless, but now they have a court order that the dead-beat dad HAS to pay for his kids. (What about motherless homes, and dead-beat moms? Don’t they cause people to turn to drugs and crimes?)
Very few countries driven by secular humanist ideas are in longwinded wars with their neighbors about which version is the correct version.
Quite a few religious-driven countries are in longwinded wars with their neighbors about which version of their religion is the correct version.
*So many teens who weren't properly educated or weren't educated at all on pregnancy prevention because Gobs forbids it
*Because there are no other explanations, like infected drug needles, for instance
*Well, if those fathers weren't abusive pricks...
I bet you don't know the number of unborn babies that died by natural miscarriages. Bet you don't even care. Thing is even with the horrors of abortion more unborn are lost via natural causes.
Atheists have a lower devices rate then Christians.
AIDS has not been a gay disease since the late eighties. Also gays don't go out of their was to spread it or any other disease. Finally gays and pedophiles are not the same thing.
Dear, UnCulturedWeirdo;
About your three points....
If this is a baby, then I'm Batman.
image image
There's a difference.....NEXT!
My cousin, Christopher, raised by a single mom, who's very intelligent & well-adjusted.
And now....
This is you.
Pray tell how your "Christian" values are superior to generic morality...let me help you out:
*Women are forced to carry a fetus to term even if it kills them.
*Teens are taught abstinence only as sex education, so they don't know what to even in a lot typically blame the victim anyway, "You should have worn more clothes."
*You force people to stay in a marriage even if the spouse is abusive, which makes drugs and crime more likely.
Ball's in your court, CultureWarrior
Abortion is the highest where religion is highest.
"A study published in the Lancet shows that between 1995 and 2003, the global rate of induced abortions fell from 35 per 1,000 women each year to 29. This period coincides with the rise of the "globalised secular culture" the Pope laments. When the figures are broken down, it becomes clear that, apart from the former Soviet Union, abortion is highest in conservative and religious societies. In largely secular western Europe, the average rate is 12 abortions per 1,000 women. In the more religious southern European countries, the average rate is 18. In the US, where church attendance is still higher, there are 23 abortions for every 1,000 women, the highest level in the rich world. In central and South America, where the Catholic church holds greatest sway, the rates are 25 and 33 respectively. In the very conservative societies of east Africa, it's 39. One abnormal outlier is the UK: our rate is six points higher than that of our western European neighbours.
Source: The Guardian
1) As if there were no abortions before Roe v Wade.
2) I've heard of a case as young as 12 where the victim got an STD as the result of abuse by a pastor.
3) Divorce, drugs, and crime have existed long before secular humanism.
*56 million unborn babies murdered in the womb in a 41 year period.
Lack of evidence does not constitute evidence.
*Children as young as 13 years old contracting AIDS from their homosexual edlers.
Lack of evidence does not constitute evidence.
*No-fault divorce resulting in fatherless homes, causing children to turn to drugs and crime.
Divorce rate is higher in fundoe areas compared to secular areas.
1, yes... they should have the chance to live a life of suffering and misery first because of their "original sin"...
2, medical citations or it didn't happen.
3, show the stats, then the correlation. If not, then GTFO.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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