I don't understand how people who think God is somebody's name can call themselves atheist. It makes no sense @ all. Its the mentality of theists to operate under the presumption that God is somebody not an atheists.
If more people shook of this nonsense about God being somebody's name those who seek to push their opinions with the pretense that God wants it would be far less successful. If somebody said YAWH (name of Christian deity) says abortion is wrong nobody would take any notice, but because people are indoctrinated into theist belief about God people can get away with saying God says abortion is wrong. People need to realize that when a theist uses the word God they are referring to a deity, this is not the case for all people who use the word God. Atheists use the word God in an entirely different way, for an atheist to assert that God doesn't want or like something is absurd. That would be like saying love doesn't like stem cell research, absurd.
This whole issue exists as a result of atheists being willing to adopt theist belief in regards to what God is. Without said willingness to adopt theist belief about the nature of God the whole issue with laws & politicians using the word God to manipulate public opinion would not exist.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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