Benson: Have fun going down in the wrong side of history and have the people
of tomorrow mocking you, just as we do now with the people who opposed interracial marriage. Also, could you people stop pretending that private "pretend" ceremonies equal equality? There have been several absolutely
heartbreaking stories of same-sex couples in which a partner was forbidden from standing at their beloved's deathbed because they were
not married -- the tip of the iceberg. Willfully short-sighted creatures, you folk.
Mo: "Have fun going down in the wrong side of history and have the people of tomorrow mocking you, just as we do now with the people who opposed interracial marriage." Can you tell me what equality there is between skin color/race and deviant sexual acts? How dare you compare my race or anyone else to deviant sexual behaviors.
How dare YOU set yourself up as the arbiter of "deviant" sexuality? Where you fail in the history books is in your arrogant and self-important belief that someone else's marriage is any of your business. Unless you are close enough to be invited on the honeymoon, do the whole world a favor and keep your trap shut.
How would you feel if the whole community got together to critique your choice of mate? We all know heterosexual people that should never have married "that guy" or "that woman", but it wasn't our decision to make. The preacher said "if anyone knows any reason why these two should not be joined in marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace . And instead of doing that we get the opposite: all the people in church who were sure that he should have married a different woman instead just keep quiet in church then spend the next decade gossiping about them.
My cousin was one who was against same sex marriage. Guess what changed his mind? I told him "Shouldn't same sex couples have the equal right to get a divorce?" He thought about it for a moment and said "I didn't think of it that way."
His divorce was final about 2 weeks before this conversation.
Interesting how conservative types always say about every natural change in society will end up being a failed experiment, and people will be very sorry and come crawling back to the old ways. And some of them continue to insist, even generations later, that the reversal will happen very soon, based on nothing but their own faith. This *never* happens unless the conservatives manage to take over and force it on everyone, and even then, it won't be quite the same as it used to be, simply *because* of how it's enforced rather than evolved. Even in the rare case of a genuinely "failed experiment" it just results in a new, different change which conservatives probably won't like - there is *no* going back.
They're always, always, always on the "wrong side of history", unless you count artificially and tyrannically forcing social norms to be a historical "win", and even that's rare. And I notice lately that some of them have been appropriating that phrase for their own use. Sorry, words are not magic, and that won't make your "reality" any more true.
There is a parallel there, as Obama, who was the product of an interracial marriage, knew well. I always say that homophobia and racism are bastard twins.
Also, it's not up to you to define "deviant sexual behaviors". MYOFB, literally.
The equality is between a couple with different skin-tone and a couple with the same gender.
We DO dare compare love regardless of race and love regardless of gender.
How dare YOU call it "deviant sexual acts" and "deviant sexual behavior"?
What behaviors and acts are YOU imagine they practice? And if YOU can imagine them, aren't YOU the deviant, dolt?
Everything that occurs between same-sex couples can occur between opposite sex couples too, with strap-ons and dildos.
More straight people have anal, simply because there are so much more straight people than gay people.
It was a while since last time, so maybe this is a good place to bring back The Loophole (NSFW).
" Can you tell me what equality there is between skin color/race and deviant sexual acts?"
Yeah. history.
Look at the arguments used against interracial marriage back in the day.
Some people considered it a sexual deviancy for a white man to wanna fuck a black woman. And the reverse was worth a lynching.
People claimed that God was against it and produced scripture.
People claimed that such pairings would not produce children OR claimed that the children of such pairings would be irreparably damaged.
People claimed that such marriages would have some ineffable effect on 'real' marriages. Ruin the sanctity of marriage, that sort of thing.
With the possible exception of the evangelicals' absolute fascination with the matter of feces, almost every argument used against samesex marriage today echoes arguments that were flogged in the long ago, by people who were just as stupid, but slightly different agendas.
So, yeah, forty years from now, the history books showing pics of people protesting SSM are going to look so silly...
And the stupid will be ramping up to show how the Bible prohibits clones marrying robots.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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