[Review of Jerry Jenkin's Left Behind series]
The Left Behind Series is conditioning people to believe that Christians may work for Satan and even pretend to worship Satan during the Tribulation without forfeiting their souls. [...]
Left Behind subtly promotes sins such as adultery, lying, abortion, pre-marital sex, suicide, infanticide, murder, coarse jesting, sarcasm—and more.
Oh, crap. What do we have here, now, tag-team fundyism? This is the second post in a week from this couple and both times they were seeing demons and Satan worship in otherwise Christian settings. First their church, now the Left Behind series. I can hardly wait to see where they find ol' Bielzibub next.
Adultery I can see; Rayford spends much of the first book beating himself up over a massively overblown instance at the airline's Christmas party. Lying's a given, since it's a book written by fundies. But I don't know where the hell Gary and Lisa see the rest of their "sins" in Left Behind.
And as everyone else has asked: sarcasm ? What in the Nine Hells?
OK, I can see the problem with "adultery, lying, abortion, pre-marital sex, suicide, infanticide, [and] murder," but what's the big deal about "coarse jesting" and "sarcasm?" You really rank sarcasm in the same class as infanticide?
And are you sure you want to list both "abortion" and "infanticide?" By listing them seperately you are implying that abortion is not, in fact, killing a baby, and therefore acknowledging that the pro-choicers have been right all along. You might want to rethink including both of those terms in your list...
And this is ignoring the fact that the most tragic thing about Christians reading these books is the fact that the "Left Behind" books are about as Biblicaly based as "Mein Kampf" is. 80% of everything in those books has just been pulled out of the authors' asses and hasn't the slightest basis in any Biblical text. The authors relied heavily on various apocalyptic writings from the middle ages, Jewish kabbalism, popular horror fiction (most notably Steven King's "The Stand" and Robert McCammon's "Swan Song"), and their own imaginations. The fact that so many gullible Christians are taking these books as gospel truth, and the bookstores are stocking them in the religion section is just ridiculous.
"For verily, I sayeth unto thee, if thou coursely jesteth, and maketh fun of the lord thy god, or fat bald prophets, or anybody elseth mentioneth in this holy booketh, thou shalt be sent to the pit, whereith the devil's scallions, er, ah, I mean, minions, will doeth unspeakable things to the tenderest parts of thine naughtiest parts..."
The Gospel According to Phred,
Chapter 3, verses 11 thru 81
Deluded, deep-end Fundies critical of other deluded, deep-end Fundies for not being deluded enough, off the deep-end enough and not fundamentalist enough. Woohoo!
Where there's a fundie, there's another fundie who will bash him.
@ Old Viking: This has been going on for centuries, John Calvin accused the Pope of being in leauge with Satan and as we all know Salem tore itself apart for no real reason.
Since when was sarcasm a sin, and can everything -- even books written by fundies -- be the works of the devil?!
Loonies. How do people like those manage to survive with their noses up in the air all the time as they scoff at all the sinners around 'em? Is it possible to survive like that?!???
Oh noes, sarcasm. Now their god apparently hates us.
The new and improved, EIGHT deadly sins - gluttony, greed, lust, vanity, wrath, envy, sloth, AND introducing sarcasm!!! Yikes, that means we're all going to Hell... at least Stephen Colbert will be there too.
Even Fundies hate this fundie award seconded! What I don't get is the left behind series is supposed to take place AFTER the rapture right? Why are there still Christians on the earth? I mean that's WHY the series are called "The...Left...BEHIND...Series" As in, those who were LEFT BEHIND AT THE RAPTURE!
I don't get the books, and I don't get the post, and I want to shoot some ignoramus'
When you think RR and the Left Behind series aren't fundie enough, you've left reality behind entirely. (And I've read the books, for reasons I'm not quite sure of myself. The part of the description quoted here is almost entirely inaccurate.)
What I don't get is the left behind series is supposed to take place AFTER the rapture right? Why are there still Christians on the earth?
It's people who convert afterward ... mostly because they knew people who had been preaching to them about the rapture pretty much until the day it happened.
This shows the big drawback of the internet. In the past people like these nuts would only be able to spread their lunacy around a small number of people. Now they broadcast it broad and wide, other nuts join in and voila they start a mini-cult. They are thus personally validated, and they spin more babble.
Darn, and I was going to write a series of sarcastic parodies of the LB series about a group of "rapture ready" (ahem) people who are surprised to find themselves not of Jesus' guest list, and even more surprised when, sans god-bothering imbeciles, conditions in the world suddenly start to improve.
Undeterred, these "True Christians"(tm) convince themselves that Jesus has chosen them to go on a special mission for him. They must ensure the tribulation happens as planned... by bringing it about themselves.
Armed only with their unshakable beliefs, and an arsenal of powerful weaponry, they set out to ruin the party for everybody else "because Jesus wants them to".
So which would it be least sinful to call the books?
"I Am Fundie!"
"Left Out... To Nutty Even for Jesus!"
"Tribulation Force" (oops, that's a real LB book!)
Has this person ever read the book or watched the movie?
I did. They are wrong.
Everyone who sins badly and doesn't believe, is stuck on earth. That's what the book/movie says.
On another note the site says:
"God's Wrath on Left Behind has been FREE since June 2006."
Then hits us up for cash:
"To order God's Wrath on Left Behind, send a note with your name and address and $2.13 for one book for media rate."
At least the Piranha Brothers are based on the real Kray Twins.
You've got more chance of seeing Spiny Norman than your J-boy blowing his horn, going down and sucking you off.
Perhaps Gary and Lisa were those two film producers - along with Charles Paisley the Baby Crusher, and 'Kierkegaard' - and they were pitching the Nic Cage remake to them, in getting financing for such.
And when they saw how that bombed worse than an aircraft hangar at Luton Airport, they were thrown to the latter person present in that conversation pit, to have their heads bitten off along with all those whippets. But not before Dinsdale welded their sides to cine reels, all the while Doug says to them 'And you said that your production would be 'Hip'? Well, in this case, the film's on yours ! ' X3
I know, Gary and Lisa, sarcasm depends upon a modicum of intelligence and a sense of humor. You don't GET sarcasm, and it goes over your head. Perhaps an autism-spectrum lack of self-awareness is to blame, or maybe a slight nutritional deficiency, but sarcasm remains a way of life for most of the rest of us, and we do not plan to REPENT.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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