#54423 #fundie curezone.com
His phony reputation and his "Nobel prize" came about because one of his fellow Zionist slimeballs photographed light supposingly "bending" as Mercury moved past the sun. But years later, we found out that this jew-accomplice of Mr. Fraud himself, low IQ Einstein, fudged the data -- he only approved the publication of the photos that seemed to support Einstein's "relativity" claptrap, and he disallowed and discarded the photos showing NO bending. In plain English, "The fix was in." One Christkilling jew, conspiring to help another one -- what a surprise! It reminds one of Rabbi Chertoff letting the 5 laughing Israelis go back to Israel after 9-11, instead of shipping those murderers down to Guantanomo for torture. Here's a 1200 page book on what a slimeball Einstein was, "Corinthian" : the manufacture and sale of saint einstein. Do you have the guts to even READ it? Because I know already that you'll never refute it -- it happens to be the truth, and the truth has the same effect on anti-Christian Zionist rabid dogs as a silver bullet has, on vampires ..... 54423.