afchief #fundie
You are right, the time has come for the parting of Christianity and the GOP. The majority of Republicans in the Senate and Congress are RINOs (Republican in name only). They no longer hold to the Republican beliefs of smaller government and individual freedoms. The Republican Leadership has sided with evil. Witness the complete focus now by Boehner on legalizing the illegals which is exactly what 0bama wants. What does 0bama not want? Repeal of 0bamaCare and spending reductions. What has the House indicated on these? It will not do anything to repeal 0bamaCare or restrain spending. Who does the Republican leadership identify as their enemy? The Tea Party. What does the Tea Party represent in this battle? Goodness and the American way. So, the Republican Leaders are now operating as an elite few who see their role as that of shepherds, moving the conservatives of America into the new Liberal World Order.
With that said, the other side of the coin is the Democrat/socialist/Liberalism view which is not only the "religion" of the new age progressives, it is their porn. It truly is a mental disorder that is being used as an offering to the childish, dependent, and weak minded as an alternative to personal responsibility and self reliance, and in exchange for absolute human rights. It empowers the most vile aspects of humanity via the "tolerance" of the "group think" to believe that their selfish hedonism is "freedom". The United States now exports the true concept of freedom in smaller quantities than ever before. Freedom isn't free and that is a lesson lost on the chronically self indulgent.