erikfm #fundie

[In response to a story about a "Free Hugs from Atheists" event being confronted by a preacher who refused to be hugged and condemned them all to Hell]

People should be uncomfortable. Morality doesn't exist without God. The value of human life becomes completely arbitrary. To an atheist there isn't much difference between hugging a person or strangling them to death. It's all about their own self interest.


My morality stems from the Creator. You're amoral behavior system is based on fear of punishment and pain. Nothing is immoral to the atheist if he doesn't get caught on the other hand I abide by morality as I am grateful to God for life and love all of God's creations.


Atheism is a belief system in its own right. Atheists did their best at wiping out other religions.


It is the atheist value system simply doesn't have any meaningful value of human life. It was their atheism that enabled these people to murder millions to achieve their goals.

[...Most of the people on] are atheists until graduation. It's part of their manufactured teenage rebellion. Once they grow up, get into the real world, start families, they'll develop a more encompassing belief system than their egotistical, primitive atheism.


To an atheist killing is wrong only if they decide that so for the current moment.


Atheist "morality" is as completely arbitrary as deciding what tshirt to wear that day. Morality requires a subjective, outside observer. Atheists can only be amoral.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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