Gays are hardly a minority and sure not be confused or classified as one.
A minority is defined as a group of people who are not in the majority. Majority of people are straight. Therefore "The Gay" are a minority. The Gay are not a minority in the land of porn though...
Many of the high positions in government and American corporations are held by gays.
Usually behind you... Usually...
These deviates can’t be content with non-deviates tolerating them, they want their life style to be sanctioned without recourse.
So that they can crotch grab and groin thrust their way to victory...
There should be no debate concerning Gay rights, that is an oxy-moron.
That is not an oxy moron... An oxy moron is a phrase that exists that is contrary to meaning of it. For instance, Government Intelligence. It exists, but is known for not being all that good. Intelligent Design is another good one.
I am all for deporting openly Gays to an isolated country of their own.
But then who will do your hair, design your homes and provide men with decent outfits? I mean if left to my straight devices I would wear a green T shirt promoting Yoga with white track suit bottoms and a robe when I go out on the lash.
This debate on Gays defer the proper attention from the other ills that the SPLC should be engaged.
SPLC will never be effective supporting Gays. Maybe the Gays have infiltrated SPLC
They came in via the back door...
Sorry... Really could not resist.