Matt Kennedy #fundie
Romans 13, God through Paul tells us the civil ruler is God's appointed minister to exact justice from the wrongdoer. In that function the ruler "bears the sword". That phrase means: bears the authority to execute. God has given that power to civil governments to restrain evil.
"Jumped for joy" is not simply my belief. The text explicitly says that is what happened. If you disbelieve the bible...that is your business, but that is what the text explicitly says.
re: "God has not revealed his judgment in the NT"...judgment against what? He has certainly revealed a lot of judgment in the NT. Hard to read anything in the NT and miss that.
re: "names for one supreme diety"...did this diety tell that to you or are you just giving your opinion. Do you have any evidence for this astounding claim? Why should anyone believe something so fundamentally contrary to what most religions actually teach? Do you have any rationale beyond the blind men and the elephant?