Kayla Moore #racist edition.cnn.com
Midland City, Alabama - Roy Moore's wife, Kayla, argued that her husband is no bigot at a Monday night campaign rally, saying that "one of our attorneys is a Jew."
"Fake news would tell you that we don't care for Jews. And I tell you all this because I've seen it and I just want to set the record straight while they're here," she said. "One of our attorneys is a Jew. We have very close friends that are Jewish, and rabbis, and we also fellowship with them."
Her comments came a week after Roy Moore attacked George Soros, the Jewish liberal mega-donor, saying Soros "is going to the same place that people who don't recognize God and morality and accept his salvation are going. And that's not a good place."
Kayla Moore also listed other examples of her husband supporting groups he's faced criticism for targeting in previous comments and writings.
"Fake news would also have you think that my husband doesn't support the black community," she said. "Yet my husband appointed the very first black marshal to the Alabama Supreme Court, Mr. Willie James. When he first took office as the chief justice many years ago he brought with him three people from Etowah County. Two were black, and one of them is here tonight."
Moore is running to fill the US Senate seat vacated by fellow Republican Jeff Sessions, who was confirmed as attorney general following US President Donald Trump's victory.