Jennifer LeClaire #fundie

Witchcraft attacks often start with imaginations. Witchcraft plants seeds of deception through imaginations. These voices tell you things like "What's the use?", "Nothing will ever change," "I can't do anything right," and "I don't feel like going to church. I want to be alone." With that said, here are three more signs you are under a witchcraft attack right now.

1. Angry and frustrated. When witchcraft attacks, you may feel angry and frustrated. You feel like people and things are standing in your way. You may get mad at yourself, mad at the devil or even mad at God. You're sick and tired of your circumstances, but what you don't realize is that the enemy is magnifying your circumstances with distorted mirrors and smoke that clouds reality. When this happens, just keep acknowledging the Lord. He will make your paths straight (Prov. 3:6).

2. Sickness, aches and pains. I've told you before that when witchcraft attacks me, my eyes burn. Sometimes my chest gets tight and I get dizzy. One of my intercessors gets terrible back pain when witchcraft manifests in her life. Another of my friends sees old stroke symptoms return. Sickness is not from God. We have authority over it, but many times we like to grumble and complain and confess how bad off we are, which only strengthens the enemy's grip on us. The devil brings what Jonah 2:8 calls "lying vanities" against you to make you think something is wrong so you'll confess it out of your mouth and open the door for it to settle.

3. Just plain worn out. If you've slept eight hours, had a tall cup of coffee and you still feel like you've been run over by a truck, witchcraft could be attacking you. This is one of the ways witchcraft comes after me. I've learned not to give in by laying down for a nap that turns into four or five hours of witchcraft-induced sleep. If you are eating well, sleeping well, exercising well and living well—and if you are generally healthy—you shouldn't feel like you're walking through quicksand. This could be a witchcraft attack.



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