"I can't tell you why the good Lord chooses rape to create life, but life sometimes is created as a result of that," he said. "If you go on a web site and Google conceived in rape and you look at all the fine people and they will tell you, 'Why would you say I don't have the right to live?'"
Okay. And you get to tell the nice young lady who's going to have to drop out of high school why she's never going get to finish high school, not gonna get a job that will adequately support her, let alone her child, never get a chance to actually live her life, and have to have a child against her wishes...not because she decided to get wild one night, but because some ASSHOLE decided to take advantage of her. Explain to her why she's worth less than the load the fucker left in her. I'd be eager to hear it if it wouldn't result in some poor girl's trauma being multiplied many times over.
I can understand why people conceived in rape would feel offended at the notion that they don't have the right to live. I can see why some of them might interpret a pro-choice or pro-life with rape exception position that way, too. However, this almost encourages rape!
I've known several people who were the product of rape, and they all had guilt over being born. They felt bad for being a living reminder of what happened to their mothers (though all their mothers loved them very much). It would take a real selfish attitude to say, "I had the RIGHT to be born. Fuck what my mom wants."
If your gawd uses rape to populate the planet, while demanding that unmarried people don't fuck, then he's an asshole of cosmic proportions. To worship an asshole of cosmic proportions makes you an asshole of significant proportion.
DIAF: You're a waste of breathable air.
What, everyone conceived by rape is pro-birth, and is completely unwilling to accept that never coming into being isn't such a bad thing, since they can't fathom the idea from their current position of actually existing? Poor things...the suffering of their families must know no ends...
I knew one woman who thought she was barren, got raped, and was thrilled to discover she was pregnant (even though the rape was a horrid experience for her to go through).
She represents a VERY small minority of women who were impregnated through rape. Most of them don't want to be pregnant, and are repulsed at the idea of carrying their attacker's baby to term.
If she chooses to carry the baby to term and give birth to it, for whatever reason, then yes, the baby has a right to live. But that shouldn't be her only option.
"If you go on a web site and Google conceived in rape and you look at all the fine people and they will tell you, 'Why would you say I don't have the right to live?'"
Nobody is saying women have to abort children. One of my nieces was conceived in rape. It was her mothers choice to have the child and put her up for adoption. That's our point, it's The woman's choice . I know you people cannot conceive nonexistence, but if she had aborted you, you wouldn't have known.
Irrelevant. That's what they became , not the way they were conceived. They could have come just as easily from rape and been a murderer, or from consensual sex and been the next Einstein. The "child's" future is irrelevant. It is the woman's future which is at stake.
@Princess Rot
They use that one a lot..."That child could be the next Beethoven, or discover the cure for cancer, or a President!" They fail to add the "Or the next Hitler, Timothy McVeigh or a groundbreaker in biological warfare."
Most probably they ended up in the electric chair because, according to you, a child without father is a criminal. Slippery slope?, probably.
Why does the "good Lord" choose to wash out about 50 to 80 percent of all fertilized eggs in spontaneous abortions? Seems a bit ineffective, doesn't it?
I don't say you don't have the right to live, I say that's your mother's decision to make. I would never force a woman to have an abortion, any more than I would stop a woman form having an abortion. It's her choice, and to some extent the man's, not mine. But, if you rape someone, you ought not to have a right to any children resulting from it, unless the woman agrees.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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