Aaron Clarey #fundie captaincapitalism.blogspot.com

There are No More Calvins
It was within a very short period of time I knew that school, and teachers, were evil.

Oh laugh as you might, but I am not joking. There is no more evil institution in this country than the veritable prison we condemn our children to for a mandatory 13 year sentence. Yes we all turn a blind eye claiming it for "education" and the "future" of our children. But in the end the education system's real purpose is two fold:

1. To outsource children to a large baby sitting operation so (predominantly) women can pursue a career instead of raise their children and

2. Employ generations' worth of talentless, lazy hacks who want an easy way out, 3 months a year off, and are scared stiff of real work - teachers (and the increasing number of administrators).

This is not politics.
This is not hyperbole.
This is not me angry over a lost childhood.

It is the truth.

School is nothing more than child abuse as two distinct groups of adults are using it for ulterior purposes.

Naturally there are some "good teachers," and these teachers believe in education, try their best to educate the children, and genuinely want what's best for them. However, the remaining 98% of teachers are not "good teachers" and are there first and foremost for themselves.

This results in an environment that is toxic for children, and certainly not one that can achieve education. Year after year, children are forced to leave home and sit in buildings that are architecturally similar to prisons. The teachers (who by the way have the lowest IQ's out of most majors) are not only uninspired to teach them, but really don't care. Alas, overtime this combination results in teachers who are not just incapable of teaching, educating, and inspiring the curiosity of young children, but teachers who grow to resent the children, resulting in indifference (reading from the book), if not outright petty and indiscriminate punishment. Sure enough, over time a child goes from being wide-eyed and hopeful kindergartener, to a 4th grade zombie trying to stay awake.

Of course, children may not understand the underlying political reasons why they're sent to a prison-like institution and the country's least competent or caring individuals are chartered with educating them. But they do have genetically programmed within them self-respect and intuitively know when they're getting screwed. Alas a natural animosity forms between students and their prison guard teachers. A healthy distrust between teacher and student. And soon in a very Calvin and Hobbes like way, students and teachers fall into their natural roles of sworn enemies.

Or at least that's how it was in the 80's.

For whereas back in the day this abuse galvanized us into distrusting our teachers, even hating them, the same cannot be said of young students today. For what I see now is NOT the independent minded spirit of a Calvin, questioning why he has to be in school, giving his teachers guff, fighting them at every corner, but instead mindless, conforming lemmings who have plain had the independent thought kicked out of them.

Now this could be due to any number of things.

Teachers becoming BFF's with their students instead of actually teaching (not that they could in the first place anyway)
Ritalin and other drugs destroying the Calvin's of the world making them docile and compliant.
Emasculated husbands breeding emasculated, testosterone deficient boys.
Or the forcing of young female behavior on young boys, turning today's classrooms into compliant, obedient classrooms full of sheeple (and consequently no independent, self-respecting thinkers).

But whatever the cause, there are no more Calvins. There are no more rebels. There are no more independent minded thinkers. And it is a devastation to society.

The reason can be amply seen in what I deem to be the first fully and completely brainwashed generation - The Millennials.

Nowhere can you find a group of people who adamantly insist they are independent minded, but are the epitome of conformist at the same time.

The Millennials all rush to sport hipster fashion to prove their independence...only to look like uniformly interchangeable cattle in the coffee shop.

They all claim to be smart, going to college, getting even MORE education...only to major in the same worthless liberal arts drivel, obviously unable to the 4th grade math that would have avoided this consequential financial fate of such stupidity.

Hey, those tattoos and earplugs are like TOTALLY you giving the bird to the system man! Only to sheepishly get the surgery done to remove them.

And oh yes, politics. The most "independent minded" and "educated" generation ALL, like lemmings, voted TWICE for a man who just mortgaged their futures with incredible peacetime deficit spending. And they were either too stupid, or too lazy to know it.

There are other examples (global warming, privilege, triggers, white males, and "evil corporations maaaan") and CERTAINLY the Millennials are not the only generation to be duped into conformity (grunge in the 90's anyone?), but the larger point is the one thing they claim to be is what they are precisely not.

Independent thinkers.

For while people may claim to be "rebels" or "Calvins" or "SJW/OWS Warriors" fighting against the "system" they don't realize they are 100%, completely owned, programmed, duped and operated by the system.

They actually BELIEVED their teachers.
They actually are BFF's with their teachers.
They not only have no problems going to a veritable prison from 5-18, but then are so hopelessly conformist, they consciously BORROW life-crippling levels of debt to to attend an additional 4-6 years more of the same educational-indoctrinist slop.

They swallowed whole what their government-sponsored teacher-indoctrinators told them and are just too stupid (or brainwashed) to realize it.

Sadly, this has serious costs and consequences to society because without independent thinkers, without genuine Calvins, there are no innovators. There are no creators. There are no geniuses who can look outside the box and come up the next cure for cancer. Technological advancement and economic growth will slow, resulting in lower standards of living than what we could have had. But worse, with nothing but a bunch of conforming sheeple, the "system" can easily manipulate, control, and own society. And that has always been the goal of the leftist education system.

Of course, try telling that to the "independent minded" tatted up, earloop wearing, liberal-arts-majoring "intellectual giants" who vote to mortgage their own futures while all claiming to be Calvins.



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