The Lord destroyed two entire cities for this sin (Sodomy). In fact, the destruction is so great that even today, with all of our science, there is no trace of those cities! If God created you as a lesbian, then He was a hypocrite when he destroyed these cities. Do you believe God to be a hypocrite? Of course not. God cannot sin.
I've always wondered why Lot offered his daughters to GAY MEN. That doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? Why would he think gay men would want his daughters? If he wanted to offer someone, why not himself? Or a male slave?
Tiny Bulcher, given that sodom and gomorrah are used by fundies to represent their most despised concepts, and that homosexuality is already taken for sodom, I'd surmise from the remaining fundie hate groups that the inhabitants of gomorrah either had a government divorced from religion, gave women the same rights as men, were rationalists who practiced the scientific method, or just had a nasty habit of being able to produce verifiable evidence whenever they entered a debate.
Don't forget that afterward, his wife looked back at the city and was transformed into a pillar of salt. Following that, Lot's daughters got him drunk and had sex with him which eventually produced the line of Jesus.
Also, I second the Occam's Razor Disagrees award.
Actually, Detrs, Jesus was not a descendant of Lot - he was a descendant of Lot's cousin (or uncle, or something), Abraham. Lot and his daughters produced the Moabites and some other tribe that the Israelites didn't get along with. Sorry to be anal, but I wanted to clear that up.
However, I still concur with you and Eric the Blue - it's not like Lot was the poster child of morality, at least by my personal standards. He was basically a drunk who had sex with his daughters (and he must've been at least sober enough to be able to maintain an erection, one would think). He was also, in my humble opinion, a coward who, rather than let his own precious body be tainted, freely offered up his two virgin daughters to a sadistic mob for an all-you-can-bang gang rape extravaganza. What a nice guy.
Well, hey, I may be wrong, but at least I learned something new today. Thank you. :-)
I think lot had sex with his virgin daughters because society degenerated and he couldn't find a good virgin to marry after his wife died.
There is indeed. Only that they´re called with other names, and sometimes we wonder if they existed AT ALL. And anyway, why didn´t he destroy Rome the ground, in similar fashion. And why is it taking so much with New Orleans?. I think you pick and choose.
Actually, Detrs, now that I think about it, I owe you an apology. Jesus was a descendant of Lot by virtue of Boaz's (King David's great-grandfather, I think) marriage to Ruth, a Moabitess. So, it turns out you were right after all :)
In fact, the destruction is so great that even today, with all of our science, there is no trace of those cities!
Maybe that's because they never existed, just like your God.
Do you believe God to be a hypocrite?
If he actually existed, that would be a good way to describe him, yes.
Rahab, don't worry about it. It's a mistake anyone can make. Either way the irony is delicious: if god hadn't destroyed Sodom we wouldn't have Christ. If they believe that the sin of that city was homosexuality, then they owe us gays a big, fat thank you.
Ezekeiel 16:49-50:"Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen."
Then there's the first chapter of Isaiah, which rails against the sins of Sodom without ever mentioning homosexuality.
Read your Bible, Bro. Randy. Sodom wasn't destroyed because of homosexuality.
Do any of these people bother reading about the destruction of Sodom? I doubt they can even cite which verse it is, let alone all the other references to it in the rest of the Bible. Pretty clear that god was pissed that the people of Sodom were inhospitable assholes who wanted to beat up his angels. No sex involved.
Yeah, the way I remember seeing it interpretated was inhospitability, greed and pride/vanity, and the mob suspected the strangers that Lot was hiding of being spies. Unfortunately I forgot to bookmark the page where I read that. There were also speculations that the whole story was invented to explain the existence of a particularly barren and scary/impressive-looking piece of bad lands (volcanic? salty desert? I don't remember exactly)
Did you know that the Cosmic Bunny once conjured a 300-feet high, bright pink dragon out of thin air, and then made it disappear again?
Have you noticed that scientists have found no proof of a giant dragon anywhere? What else do you need to be convinced?
Well, God is not a hypocrite, I mean, he can´t sin and so on, it´s over all that, according to the Bible. However, He does provide exceptions and contradictions all around the Bible. One basic example. The Flood, the Plagues in Egypt, Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah are punishments of God for some sins. However, Job suffers all types of calamities and, nevertheless, he´s innocent. Moreover, Babylon makes all sort of felonies to the Israelites but, funny enough, instead of seven plagues or a Flood or a chastisment in the Sodoma and Gomorra fashion to this town, they remain in a long exiled only broken by another guy who treated them even worse in one generation. Is God a sinner, a liar or a hypocrite?, no. The question is that the Bible was written by men who interpreted what they saw in different ways according to their agenda and to fit their worldview.
Yes, god is a hypocrite. He invented sin and then punishes people for it.
If he wanted everyone to be saintly then he shouldn't have invented it.
Science hasn't found the cities - as far as I'm aware - probably because they never existed and are simply a morality fable. If they did exist, well, the desert's still a big place and not all of it has been explored.
The idea that "God destroyed Sodom because of homosexuality" is not supported by as much as you think. True, Paul does mention that the Sodomites exchanged heterosexual relations for homosexual ones, but he mentioned that this was actually a result of their worshipping false gods. Moreover, if they had already been having heterosexual relations in marriage, it would amount to adultery, not just homosexuality.
It's absence PROVES that it once existed?
Hypocrite? God? Nooooooo. Cuz god would never lie, contridict himself, give conflicting accounts of his actions, steal land from others, kill, maim, claim to love all but shun cripples, destroy peoples who had a different religion, blame us for his creations, sentance us to eternal punishment for not believing in something that he could easily prove, yeah, that's all reasonable and sound. [/sarcasm
Okay. One of these can't be true I'm afraid.
1) Everything is part of god's plan.
2) God controls our lives and destiny.
3) God can't sin.
Hmm... so, whatever I do is actually god's doing. Therefore, I can't sin.
In fact, the destruction is so great that even today, with all of our science, there is no trace of those cities!
Or perhaps those cities didn't exist to begin with. Whichever.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there no sodomy involved when it comes to lesbians?
"In fact, the destruction is so great that even today, with all of our science, there is no trace of those cities!"
That's a copout if I ever saw one.
Tomby Mason, hot shot Lawyer: 'So I put it to you good people of the Jury that this so called, 'Brother Randy' is a violent murderer of children. Not only did he kill these five children but he cut them up so brutally and so completely that even today with all of our forensic technology nobody has ever found a trace of them. We didn't find one drop of blood, we didn't even find a murder weapon. This is the level of cold, calculating evil this man went to to make sure he committed the perfect crime. Good people of the Jury, do not let him get away with it.'
Jury: 'Oh my God, this Bro. Randy is a monster. I hope they give him the death penalty.'
>> ... with all of our science, there is no trace of those cities! <<
Proof! of a true story.
And Jebus isn't in his tomb, so we know he flew bodily up into the air. Dead No, I mean UNdead , or... alive. Again.
Or something, but it's PROOF. With all of our science.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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