MinnesotaSlim #fundie rr-bb.com

Bear with me as I build my thesis.
1. Since the first Star Trek we have been bombarded with the idea "Beaming-up" and teleportation. The image of a flash and your gone. This idea has been promulgated on many differant sci-fi shows.

2. The new age movement tells its adherents that mankind is ready to ascend into a new level of being. That those not ready (namely christians) will be left in the lower levels.

3. The UFO crowd and the new age crowd are so intertwined that they will have the same mine set.

4. Global warming/Environmentalists tell us that the world population needs to be drastically cut if we are to sustain life on this planet

My theory is that after the rapture, New Ager's channeling alien thoughts will explain that Christians were "beamed" to a planet far away for us to "learn to ascend" and to save the the environment. The "superior beings" left on earth will be so thankful and embrace the "ascended master" sent to show them the way. They will not sorrow over lost family members because they think they will see them again soon.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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