I'm Always Right #fundie onehallyu.com

What's Worse; Homophobes or Racists?

I believe some people have legit reasons to be against Homosexuality, but I believe racists have no damn right to discriminate someone based on the colour of their skin.

What do you all think?

[Both are scumbags. If you pick one over the other, I really wonder about your reasons (though I might have a hunch).]

I pick one over the other because racists are in another league of cruel.

[You obviously have no experience with homophobia.]

Still a lot more justifiable than racism.


Homosexuality is a sin; there are still a lot of religious people on this forsaken planet who are against people going against the natural course of things.
Hating someone for their race is a lot worse and more personal I believe, a gay guy can easily hide their sexual partner but a person can't hide their race. We don't chose which race we are born into. You gays chose to love another man.
There isn't even competition here.



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