@ #192060
as we all know, some of the worst things in history have been done with the best of intentions.
hitler was mis-informed, he believed that aryans were fundamentally superior in every single facet be it, speed, strength, intellect, immunity to diseases, healing rate etc. So, while he did kill millions, in the process (this is assuming that his false information was correct) he could have saved the lives of billions since those genes would be far more likely to carry on to future generations.
It also says in the bible that if you do what you believe is right under "false witness" (the guy that messed up the translation) then you are not to be held accountable for it. (don't you hate those if clauses these bastards abuse?)
with that being said, due to the wording in the bible, he would indeed get into heaven.
Unfortunately THIS is the exact reason I reject christianity as a valid religion. I believe that you should be judged solely upon your works, and if given free will then you should be allowed to exercise it without the threat of hell looming over your shoulder.
Also for those that don't know, hell is also a mistranslation (counting roughly 31 times) in the bible which was originally a word that meant to disappear. Hell as a place isn't even mentioned in the bible so far that I've seen. Seeing as how 2nd grade reading comprehension skills are in order, take out the word hell, place a blank, and place the word that fits the context best, this is how we are taught to learn the meaning of words that we do not know, and for the last 19 or so years it has worked extraordinarily well.