First, there are observations - physical findings.
Based on observations, a conclusion can be predicted. This prediction becomes what we call a hypothesis. When a hypothesis is tested, it is either disproven, or it becomes a theory. After further testing and observation, the theory may be proven. At that point, we call it a law.
No. Once again, Bro. Randy, you've got things all mixed up. Also, scientists no longer bestow the title of "law" on any findings as science always allows for correction based on new, better evidence.
This guy's channelling Lewis Carroll:
“Talking of Herbert Spencer,” he began, “do you really find no logical difficulty
in regarding Nature as a process of involution, passing from definite coherent
homogeneity to indefinite incoherent heterogeneity?”
“No physical difficulty,” she confidently replied, “but I haven’t studied Logic
much. Would you state the difficulty?"
“Well,” said Arthur, “do you accept it as self-evident? Is it as obvious, for
instance, as that things that are greater than the same are greater than one
“To my mind,” she modestly replied, “it seems quite as obvious. I grasp both
truths by intuition.”
“For a complete logical argument,” Arthur began with admirable solemnity, “we
need two prim Misses”
“Of course!” she interrupted. “I remember that word now. And they produce--?”
“A Delusion,” said Arthur.
“Ye-es?” she said dubiously. “I don’t remember that so well. But what is the
whole argument called?”
“A Sillygism.”
“Ah, yes! I remember now. But I don’t need a Sillygism, you know, to prove that
mathematical axiom you mentioned.”
“Nor to prove that all angles are equal’, I suppose?”
“Why, of course not! One takes such a simple truth as that for granted!”
Actually, it stops at "theory". If a hypothesis agrees with all the observations, it's considered a valid theory. If it disagrees with observations, it's discarded, unless you're a fundie and it disagrees with the Bible, in which case you throw away the observations, invent loony "facts", accuse the scientists of fraud or pretend the observations don't exist.
In science, "law" is just an old synonym for a valid theory (e.g., the "law" of gravity). True "laws" only exist in mathematics.
Why is this fundie? Am I missing something? I mean, I know it's from Randy, and I know it's very confused, but why is it fundie? Am I misreading it?
He is wrong on his understaing of how "theory" and "law" are used, but what I find most remarkable is that by his standards Creationism is not a law, nor a theory, nor even an hypothesis! Understanding that making predictions is a sine qua non for scientific consideration is actually positive brillancy considering it comes from Bro. Randy.
This exact explanation was in my grade school science text book. I only later learned that it was incorrect, but if you asked me when I was 14 about the difference between hypothesis and theory I would have given you the same exaplanation as Bro. Randy.
I agree with the others here, this is not fundy.
I hate to admit it, but this particular comment deserves an indictment more of Brother Randy's education than of him. I had a similar explanation for things in grade school science class, and virtually no further input on that topic afterward; it wasn't until recent years that I learned that the hypothesis-theory-law progression was bogus.
Of course, I still had acquired a better understanding of science just by general exposure, but if anyone had asked me even a decade ago to describe the difference between a law, a theory, and a hypothesis, this is close to how I would have done it, out of sheer ignorance and bad education.
So I would cut Brother Randy some slack for saying this -- but not for denying any correction once it's offered to him. He certainly should be aware by now that his childhood education was sorely lacking in certain areas.
~David D.G.
A physical law is a rule that states "Under these conditions, these relationships hold between the relevant physical quantities". A theory is a description of how the laws work, what makes them "go".
For example: Newton's law of gravity is F=G*M*m/(r^2). A theory of gravity would involve Einstein's theory of relativity, gravitons, or some other physical explanation for how it works.
Well, just for once, this guy hasn´t said something particularly fundie. And his explanations are more or less correct, only.............theories are not in the agenda when they have been DISPROVEN.
solomongrundy wrote:
>I preferred Bro Randy's previous rant on evolution (I paraphrase, but not by very much)
>BR: No fish ever evolved lungs.....
>T-4-C kid: Here's a link to a Wiki article on lungfish....
>BR: This is not a debating site. This topic is now locked.
I wish it were a t-4-c "kid" standing up to him, but sadly it's not.
It's me in the guise of one of my many aliases there that he keeps banning, in this case redletterbible.
From, "Elements Forming A Good Religious Meme"
Thought reform is an umbrella term for any number of manipulative techniques used to get people to do something they wouldn't otherwise do. The concept of thought reform itself is a controversial one -- some say it's mere propaganda designed to scare people away from new religions and political movements. But most psychologists believe that cult brainwashing techniques, which are similar to techniques used in prisoner interrogation, do change a person's thought processes. In cult recruiting and indoctrination, these techniques include:
Induced Dependency
Randy's cult indoctrination marches on...
Good work, BR makes my skin crawl in a way that, say, dad or JohnR7 doesn't. I think its the way he abuses his position to lie to and deceive children.
When a hypothesis is tested, it is either disproven, or it becomes a theory.
Actually you don't really disprove a hypothesis, you reduce the confidence in that hypothesis.
Waaaaiiit. Maybe we were too hasty.
Well we've examined the data, and predicted a conclusion, we've tabled a hypothesis, which matured into a theory.
After further testing and observation we can unveil the
Randy is a stupid fat limpdick dumbfuck Law
spinetingler wrote:
>solomongrundy wrote:
>>I preferred Bro Randy's previous rant on evolution (I paraphrase, but not by very much)
>>BR: No fish ever evolved lungs.....
>>T-4-C kid: Here's a link to a Wiki article on lungfish....
>>BR: This is not a debating site. This topic is now locked.
>I wish it were a t-4-c "kid" standing up to him, but sadly it's not.
>It's me in the guise of one of my many aliases there that he keeps banning, in this case redletterbible.
**end quote**
What really gets me is that he didn't do the obvious thing and tell you something along the lines of: "A fish with lungs is indeed possible! What G-D wills surely will happen! When did I say that a fish shouldn't have lungs?"
Not only is he generally wrong, but he's also dumb. He's ignoring a perfect opportunity to give the illusion of intellect and further push his fundamentalist propoganda.
There's the peer-review process as well, so that others can test what you have tested. You forgot that part, Randy.
Isn't Scientific Theory the higest level?
He's still more scientific than the Process of Goddidit*, you have to give him that.
*First you have an idea. Then you search for things that support your idea. The things that don't are obviously false. Everyone who tries to test your idea works for the Devil. Make sure your idea doesn't advance knowledge in any way, or makes life easier for someone. When you've twisted the things around enough to get to "God did it", you're done.
observations => hypotheses => experiments => moar observations! => conclusions => repeat for infinite scientific awesomeness.
repeat. after enough hypotheses are proven on the same subject, you can label the body of knowledge a theory, the highest standard of certainty available in science.
law = a robustly tested rule describing interactions in physics, can be used to make predictions. break one = instant nobel prize.
this is how shit goes down if I'm not mistaken somewhere.
A theory is an explanation, like "New species and variation within species originate through the processes of natural selection, sexual selection, mutation, genetic drift, &c."
A law is a mathematical statement, like "F=G(m1*m2/r^2)".
Theories are already proven.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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