Since you are a guy, I don't see a problem with you being friends with a lesbian. Just don't be close friends, because our close friends should not be living in sin. As long as she doesn't become one of your closest friends, I think it's fine.
I'm a girl who used to be good friends with a lesbian, and I now realize that was a very bad idea. But I still have a couple of gay acquaintances. This is different because these gay guys are of the opposite sex and because they're not good friends.
"Just don't be close friends, because our close friends should not be living in sin."
Because only close friends count when you're a christian. Anyone else, even a casual friend, can be a wretched sinner on their way to hell, and you don't have to care. Isn't that great? Remember, Jebus said. "I say unto you, take care of yo' homies, and everyone else is shit out of luck."
Be close, but not too close. Be friends, but not too friendly. Have gay acquaintances but make sure they are of the opposite sex, so as to not get too close. In fact, make sure that your gay friends are not good friends, and that your good friends are not gay, and that you're not too close to any of them... except when they're gay.
Thanks for that, Disciple. This was truly enlightening.[/sarcasm]
"Since you are a guy, I don't see a problem with you being friends with a lesbian."
Oh, good. I was so concerned with whom you would allow me to be friends.
" Just don't be close friends, because our close friends should not be living in sin."
Uh huh, except that, even according to your Bible, everyone is a sinner. So, are you advocating that we have no close friends?
"As long as she doesn't become one of your closest friends, I think it's fine."
Or, if she is a "closet" friend.
"I'm a girl who used to be good friends with a lesbian, and I now realize that was a very bad idea."
Why was that? Were you afraid you might have some lesbian feelings yourself? Isn't your character strong enough to keep your hands off another girl if you feel so deeply that homosexuality is wrong?
"But I still have a couple of gay acquaintances."
How open-minded of you.
"This is different because these gay guys are of the opposite sex and because they're not good friends."
How do you know they are not bi and just waiting for a chance to pounce on you?
I think you mean "close" friends." It's obvious that you are the one who is not a "good" friend.
And if your friend is say, a drogadict, will you despise him?, doesn´t this person deserve love and compasion?. Stop TEENS-FOR-CHRIST. You are closer to the genocide friends of the OT.
Since you are a guy, I don't see a problem with you being friends with a lesbian.
I'm glad I have your permission on whom I can be friends with.
I'd like to have a little more info on these degrees of friendship, just to make sure I don't cross into forbidden territory.
After all, I wouldn't want to piss of ye gods by accidentally spending too much time with, you know, one of those people...
Mr. Turquoise
>[edit] The OP looks suspiciously like >a troll looking to get a rise out of >Br. Randy. The "too white skinned" >line later in the thread gives it >away.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner.
That's one of my T4C sock puppets, trolling Bro Randy.
The point is that morals are clear on that. There are no class B or second class friends. Of course, it´s natural that you get along better with some of the people you consider your friends but that comes naturally, because of matter of factual afinity, NOT BECAUSE SOMEBODY ON PURPOSE MAKES SO. Besides, be careful with the notion of sin. As Jesus said, the healthy people don´t need a doctor and it would be not very charitable on your part. You can´t use people.
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