Power Point Paradise #conspiracy powerpointparadise.com
Max Keiser is a funny guy. He makes you laugh. I like Stacy Herberts too. They are both attractive people with nice personalities, apart from Max getting a bit lifted up sometimes. But hey, if you knew as much about money as he does, then you could almost be forgiven for being proud.(?) But are they really knowledgeable all around?
Every time we look at his videos, like those below, you feel your blood curdling within yourself, as Max exposes the Banksters for what they “really are”.– At least he paints the banksters blacker than any mainstream media, that, regardless, continue to invite Max back for interviews! Only if God would paint the Goldman Sachs Mafia, they’d come out blacker than that. Nevertheless, it seems like Max tells it “like it is!”
The big question I have, is, “Why do the PTB allow him to speak truth to power, like he does? Why do the Bankster-controlled Western Mainstream media invite him back, again and again?” Of course the more well-informed among us realise that a few interviews with Max Keiser is not going to change the situation to a “lily-white” financial system. That would be one without usury. Forget it! Pandora’s box can never be closed again.
That’s one reason why the Globalists are trying to destroy the Muslim world via imminent WW3, because they just can’t beat the much more righteous Muslim banking system, which forbids usury. The Muslims aren’t yet fully under the control of the International Banksters, and their global central banks. [...]
So WHO is Max Keiser. He refers to 9-11 being a hoax, he exposes the “black boxes” of non accountable controlling banks, even the controlling nexus, the Bank of International Settlements, and shouts very loudly about their perfidy, blackmail, “financial terrorism”, theft from taxpayers, “unconscionable huge bonuses stolen from taxpayers”, the IMF causing trillions of dollar global debts, their “economic hitmen”, which are the same people as Goldman Sachs, and other Wall Street banksters. He is permitted to rake them all over the coals. Why? But he doesn’t mention the Rothschilds, the nexus, who control the Bank of International Settlements.
Max promotes a gold standard, to turn back the tide to some kind of “honest free and fair, entrepreneuring Capitalism“, because he “loves his USA and its Constitution.” In that respect, he’s a Rhino, as he should realise, in all his expertise, that that is not the way the World is going at all!
The World –inevitably– is gonna go Socialist, a global Socialist super-state with a One World Currency, whatever that is going to be based on. The Euro? Special Drawing Rights? Or gold, silver and commodities? We shall see.
That’s why some people say that silver and gold will keep on rising, until it eventually gets to the point where it can’t rise any further, when the World’s bankrupt economy will have reached its true value equilibrium. Then, some pundits expect not a bursting of this “bubble”, but the rise of “some new paradigm!“–Whatever that will be? A new kind of digital economy? That is what the Bible predicts in the Book of Revelation, called the “Mark of the Beast”, a mark in the right hand or forehead, to buy and sell!” Voila!
I hope Max is for real! I hope he really is concerned about America, as Jim Rogers seems to be (he left!), blaming the real culprits for holding the world ransom, threatening the US with a crash of the system if they don’t agree to the bail out! Or is Max allowed and hired to speak truth to power, to do this “damage” for some sinister purpose?
Another baffling fact about Keiser (and Stacy!) is their very vocal support for largely discredited “Man-made Global Warming”, that is right up the Globalist alley! But by the majority of the alternative press, (even some mainstream media) AGW is correctly perceived as just another Globalist plot to organise a New World Order via “Carbon Credits!” AGW is also rejected by most honest, non-corrupted, non funded scientists who have no “Gaia water-melon” green/red international-socialist agenda. (See Wattsupwiththat.com).
But here is one of Max’s latest headlines:
Welcome to Mars you AGW denying freaks
Max also supports “peak oil” –of all things– which is another antiquated point of view in alternative circles. But perhaps he is only good at economics, while being pretty lousy in Climate Science and Geology. It’s possible! Perhaps he really is a sincere, honest, but still a deceived man, who tries to rock the boat in hopes of changing — the world? (Just as I wrote this now, I immediately somehow doubted this view of him.)
Max is a great actor! He was even playfully “nominated” as Greek president, or finance minister of Greece! He is quite popular with the undecided activists in Greece, (Not the Commies!) who seem to like him and his exposure of the facts that the bankers foisted all those Greek debts on the corrupt Greek politicians, who let the innocent Greek people foot the bill for the bail-out of the Greek government, which was tricked into that by Goldman Sachs and their ilk.
The Greeks, emboldened partly by Max and Stacy the brave “American Economic Crusaders“, are now rioting for their survival and protesting their corrupt political Judases, trying to stop Papandreou from selling off their country and its assets. That’s what is going on right now. Max & Stacy weren’t really able to stop that process. And unless the Greek Military would–by a miracle of miracles–decide to pull off a coup in favor of the Greek people, which is highly unlikely seeing their Colonels’ history, Greece will be an enslaved nation for sure. Greece is definitely not Iceland.
So what is this odd couple actually accomplishing with all that publicity, freely given to them? Russia Today, European news outlets, Iranian Press TV, even some American TV programs! If it wasn’t for all that publicity the system gives them, he would never have gotten so instantly famous.
I don’t have the full answer, from the horses’ mouth, obviously, but I am sure that lots of people have similar questions about dear Max & Stacy, this largely gullible couple. Who are they really, and what are they really up to. I just put it out here for discussion, to see what other people come up with.
But come to think of it all, the more informed among us know, that the real One World Government– Not this American based NWO, which is bound to die, “the Beast wounded by a sword” (war) — is foretold by the prophets to rise from Russia! We also know that it is going to be a red, socialist kind of international governing “Beast“. And Socialism “happens” to be also the mainstay power behind all these riots and revolutions that are spreading all over the globe.
And so as all loose ends are beginning to come together now– as they were undoubtedly planned that way!– we see them slowly coming together; The International Economic Crash, World War 3, spreading Famine, and Nuclear crises all over the place (Stuxnet?), and climate disasters (HAARP?), and— “spontaneous” global people’s color revolutions. And this is where I think maybe Max comes into the picture. I hope I’m wrong.
Is he some kind of funny, pseudo-activist? HE may be a kind of economic provocateur and catalyst, aimed mainly at the European Socialist-leaning young people and intellectuals, which are being provoked right now to grow these European and worldwide “Summers”, as well as Latin Summers, and possibly also the coming Chinese, and Thai summers, as we see from Tony Cartalucci‘s well sourced articles.
Is he perhaps just a hired clown to stir up these multi-colored peoples’ revolutions that are to demonise and ditch the American-based Corporate Fascist NWO “bad cop”, and by default–as there is no other alternative–fall to the Russian Super-state “good cop”, with this newly cool Russia Today Media station, which suddenly began “telling the truth?”
It all reminds me a bit of Radio Luxembourg during the fake Hippie Revolution Days during the Sixties, which was the European beacon of change in those days, all the while staged and produced by the Tavistock Institute, if you didn’t know it. That “cultural revolution” of the sixties was as fake as a three dollar bill, but it sure changed the cultural landscape!
I hope I’m wrong, but please do share your thoughts in the comments, but this seems to be the way my mind is leaning right now. He may be a likable, friendly provocateur, but none the less, a provocateur for the Powers-That-Be!
(Max you shouldn’t have deleted my anti AGW comments on the Keiser Report. It started to give you away a bit! But I’m impressed, you really play the part well. I don’t know if Stacy is in the know. She seems to love you and your antics anyway. Ha!)
But, come to think of it, if this is true, why would you want to be a provocateur for those evil banksters and their eventual Socialist Russian Global Superstate, anyway? I guess you must believe in it. Well then, tough luck, because, that too, is doomed to defeat, according to Ezekiel 38 and 39! But that is not politically correct of course. :)