bcats #fundie techre.vu

Blackfx, Where do I begin! First, I don't really know very many big words, and I'm not that great at math, just passing. The only thing I got going for me is the wisdon God blesses me with! People sometimes ask me, "how do you know God is real? Can you prove it? Here's the thing... I don't prove God is real, HE proves He's real to me! And I know because He ( I won't say talks) communicates with me! He does it in a way that I know it's Him! There is no mistaking it, and I promise I'm not delusional. The reason God can hear 5 million prayers at the same time is because there are Millions of dementions. Since God is a Spirit and He is everywhere, He hears every prayer. BTW, satan is only in one demention and he can only be in one place at a time. But he has fallen angels (demons) by the thousands doing his evil works for him. All that to say this... Millions of dementions are not empty places. There is plenty going on we can't comprehend. God is on such a higher plane than us. As much as we try, We can not expect what makes sense to us to apply to God. In other words, We can not bring Him down to our level! We try to prove things on our level. There are things that are on such a higher level that our level of thinking is like us trying to tell cavemen about jet airplanes or computers, they just can't comprehend any of it. Blackfx, there are scientists who also teach bible prophesy who also study the stars, universe. One of these scientists told me, "God created the whole vast universe 'just to sustain the earth'". That means in our universe, life only exists on earth! Now perhaps (I'm guessing) in another demention, there is other universes where God created life on another planet! I don't know if Jesus had to die for other peoples' sins on other worlds in other dimentions! But I do know this.. Jesus would do it a thousands of times to please the Father! God says in the bible, "Jesus would have come to the earth and die that same death on the cross if YOU were the only person on this planet. HE would have came to die JUST FOR YOU!" wow, so YES, I believe Jesus would die a thousand times for all worlds, if be needed. continued.....



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