Since I live in Australia, I feel that I am informed enough to comment.
/The promotion of homosexuality is unhealthy for our nation./
1. how?
/Marriage of same sex couples is as sick as marriage between a woman and a cat./
2. the cat cannot give consent, that is why it is frowned upon, never mind the physical inabilities of the situation.
/We should be helping people caught up in this unnatural lifestyle not encouraging it./
3. why?
/Why Australians tolerate this politically correct and yet morally bankrupt rubbish is bewildering./
4. We tolerate it as we see nothing wrong with it. If someone wants to screw around with another, it is not of our concern (so long as they don't screw in public, that would be indecent exposure). Just like if someone has extreme beliefs, we don't care so long as it doesn't directly affect us or helpless others.
/The acceptance of defacto relationships (living in sin) has had a large affect on dulling peoples consciences./
5. Actually it more just changed what counts as morally wrong to a certain extent. (i.e. gay)
/It is obvious that the secular humanist have succeeded in deluding so many./
6. No it isn't, and no they haven't.
/No wonder we have so many fatherless children, teenage drug use, abortion and crime./
7. Not related in any way.
/Now we want to add more perversion to our legal list and will be dumb enough to ask why we have so many problems in society./
8. Wouldn't it be dumber to blame all our problems on something unconnected? Especially as gays haven't yet being accepted, and yet we have all these problems already.
@ LAchlan KotU.: It's not Christians. It's morons who unfortunately share our belief.
@ Jay-Sus: That's a perfect representation of the argument.