Rabbi Shalom Arush #fundie breslev.co.il

The material world is very deceiving; by looking at seemingly beautiful women in this world, one falls under the power of lies, fantasies and the dark side's concealment of Divine light, losing all connection with Hashem and with truth.


With the above in mind, guarding our eyes becomes all the more urgent. We should even be teaching our children to guard their eyes; we don't describe the forbidden sights that they should avoid, for we don't want to introduce them to anything that's not pure, but we tell them the importance of clinging to Hashem and to His Torah.


By closing our eyes, we become immune to and protected from the bombardments. We spare ourselves the wasted time and mental energy of looking at this world's lies and fantasies. Women and children are especially enticed by what their eyes see: notice how women stop and glare at the showcase window of a women's clothing store, even if all the clothes are immodest and unacceptable. Notice how children will stop in front of a toy-store window and gaze at the electric train, even though the window is garnished with idolatrous icons. So once again, we see that we have a choice between the enticements of this world and between Hashem.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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