They are being facetious, right? I mean.. come on, they can't REALLY expect to say something like that and NOT have people point out that their disgusting little tome has been rewritten so many times that it's hard to count... can they? Guys? Please tell me their joking.. come on. Please?
Let's see, a book that contradicts itself and reality, is NEVER revised, and that serves to push a belief system thatis bat-shit crazy, or a system that is constantly revised and that pushes only to discover truth?
DAMN that's a hard fucking choice!! How will I ever make the right decision? Oh wait a minute...
So, a bunch of self-contradictory claims that were never dependent on supporting evidence, or explanations which are continuously revised in light of new evidence? Gee, what a difficult choice!
Once again, creationists achieve a stunning own-goal.
It is written.
It's been re-translated so many times and re-edited that nobody knows anymore.
Plus it is neither clear nor consistent.
Evolution makes clear predictions, is based on clear and widely available evidence, and is worked on by humans who are still alive and who speak the language we do.
I would trust evolution.
Evolution belief...BECAUSE it is rewritten and rewritten and rewritten. Every rewrite provides a greater understanding of the universe. Of course, "evolution belief" is being used to describe ALL fields of science that bring the book of Genesis into question, not just evolutionary biology.
So the book "Evolution Belief", whatever book that is, wasn't ever written to begin with?
It is a similar theme to when fundies claim a naturalistic explanation of the existence of the universe is faulty due to invoking creation ex nihilo but God somehow....
No that is not a good analogy at all, let me rewrite it. It is a similar theme to when fundies claim.....
[Disregard my ramblings, I got the mother of all colds and it affects my mental capacity in a slightly negative manner]
Okay, if a person walked around, screaming the sky was green, refusing to recant it even when it's clearly blue, is he still right?
The constitution has also been rewritten, and rewritten, and rewritten, etc. Does that make it a stronger document? Or a weaker one?
It's not like the bible hasn't ever been rewritten, translated, and edited.
Now then. Which would I rather play the game Crysis on? A computer which is 20 years old and has never been updated, or a computer which I update regularly apart from some basic parts e.g. the keyboard (last update 1994) and the mouse (last update 2000). Let me see... Chances are the fundie would pick the unupdated one, while any sensible person would pick the updated one. Why can't the fundies see that updates are good?
The stupidity is unbelievable.
1. The fundies have a book based on wild unscientific claims that haven't been updated for 2000 years.
2. The rational people have books based on scientifically researched facts that get updated all the time.
And somehow the manage to twist this into them winning:). You gotta admire that.
The Bible was repeatedly rewritten, R-Tard. The difference is that when people added things to the Bible, they never checked to make sure the new additions didn't conflict with the old ones!
Now which one are you gonna trust?
Also, Ctra is my new hero.
Which one are you going to trust: a thousandth-generation copy of a book written 3,500 years ago by a some anonymous bronze age Arab goat-herders or a book still being written today?
Would Ken Ham want someone operating on him using a medical book written by Galen or a current surgery textbook?
You mean the bible has only been written once? By one person? In over 2000 years? But, how can there be thousands upon thousands of copies throughout the world? Not to mention the different versions. I'm confused...
This has got to be a joke, it really does. No one with any sort of brain can actually even imagine this being a legitimate statement?
Irony Meter owners are being urged to take extra safety precautions following a series of malfunctions after an Irony Surge on Monday night caused by a submission from AIG. Several owners have reported smoke, flames and other malfunctions. A fire safety spokesperson suggested that when in doubt, owners should unplug their Irony Meter and let it cool down.
AIG were unavailable for comment.
I think this was on an episode of "The Simpsons" where Ned Flanders, the Rev. Lovejoy and others get Intelligent Design taught in the Springfield Elementary School. The film shows the two books just like above. "The Bible is the Word of God (choral music.) The Origin of Species was written by a man named Charles Darwin! ("Origin" bursts into flames.)
So...I'm assuming you read Aramaic then? No? Well, if not, you're reading a rewrite. Sorry.
I'd tell him to learn it, but wishing someone you don't know the language aptitude of to study a Semitic language is not that much different from cursing them.
Actually, I'm not in a good mood. Go forth and learn Aramaic. At least it'll shut you up for the years it'll take to learn.
the bible lets see, was written 50 times over, oh and had all the scandalous sections omitted, to define women as the "lesser sex", and keep Men believing they are dominant.
Ooh, I want a copy of "Evolution Belief."
Well, it'd have to be rewritten. A lot of stuff has happened since 1998. Evolution Belief, apparently, was written too.
They should say in the Bible cell of that cartoon "It is ancient Hebrew and Aramaic. Then it was written in Greek. And again in Latin. And again in the modern languages. Also, they threw out bits of the Bible that didn't fit in with their agenda and aims and no mistakes will ever be corrected."
Much more accurate I think.
So on the one hand, we have a book that was cobbled together in around 400CE from a collection of 66 other books. Rewritten, translated, written out again by monks, translated, printed, rewritten to conform with the language at the time, rewritten again to make certain political leaders happy and rewritten again (lousy archaic translations that don't mean the same thing today as they once did).
And it's still fucking wrong.
And on the other hand we have a theory that has been rewritten as new evidence comes to light that the current theory doesn't explain.
The funny thing here is, Ken Ham actually thinks this is a compelling argument.
Something that's never been revised in thousands of years, in flagrant disregard for all new evidenced unearthed since its original authorship, is supposed to be MORE desirable than something that's kept up-to-date?!
More evidence = better understanding = updates = refinement of theory.
Bronze-age stories of a notoriously brutal deified warlord, propagated by death threats... A more recent addendum made the attempt to improve said deity's PR, but only managed to turn every tribe of believers against one another.
BTW, who wrote that "Evolution Belief" book? Jack Chick?
Which would you trust,,, a science book from 1800 or the 2009 version which has been updated,and updated, and updated, and updated,,,,?
I know which one I would trust to be more accurate.
why are the books ot tobit, enoch, and a bunch of others no longer in the Bible ?
why does the Bible say a Bat is a Bird ?
cars. they have been rebuild, and rebuild, and revised, and revised. now imagine this process over a timespan of 2000 years and just try to imagine how far the bible lags behind.
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