Of course, as Christians, we have no reason to hide from evolutionary beliefs and presentations. In fact, we should know and understand evolution better than non-Christians.
"Of course, as Christians, we have no reason to hide from evolutionary beliefs and presentations"
Well of course you are right, If your book of myths is correct then you would have no need to hide from evolutionary theory, and creatonists would be able to do real science is support of such beliefs instead of the usual religious apologetics, quote mining and distortion of valid science. Perhaps theres a reason why creationists are almost always completely ignorant of evolution?
"In fact, we should know and understand evolution better than non-Christians."
Well you'll have a job on understanding it as well as the actual scientists who study it and spent years studying to the level that they have. However if creationists really want to be in a position to be able to critique such a strongly supported theory as evolution then perhaps they should actually learn about the theory first instead of recycling the arguments of mendacious reality denying propagandists for doctrine such as Answers in Genesis, and the Instiute of Creation Research.
"In fact, we should know and understand evolution better than non-Christians."
"Should" being the operative word there. So, what's your excuse?
"Beliefs" is not a word to associate with science. Science does not "believe", rather, it presents theories that make sense out of real, factual evidence.
Goddidit is not science. There are no scientific "answers in Genesis".
By all means, try to know and understand evolutionary theory, and you will understand that it has naught to do with Christianity, except in the minds of zealots and zombies.
Then why don't you? I'm curious as to how a fundy creationist can say this, and them and all their little followers not know the first damn thing about evolution? You can say this all you want, but until you show that you have actually read something about evolution from a non-ID source, an actually evolution source, then this is just more BS talk from BS creationists to spread their BS lies.
Please, by all means, actually learn about evolution, so you can see that it does indeed make sense and isn't about a fish suddenly becoming a monkey or some shit.
Actually many Christians do know evolution better than many non-Christians which is why they believe in evolution. Unfortunately most "creationists"(Christian or non-Christian) know absolutely nothing about evolution, but that doesn't seem to stop them from attempting to discuss it with those who do.
Most sane branches of Christianity do indeed place a high value on education. This is why church schools in the UK are typically among the best performers in the league tables, and why the oldest universities were founded by the Church. It's only fundies who believe that all you need is to rote-learn a few Bible verses and that's it, and end up on this site because they don't have the background to realise that (for example, per #848185) evolutionary theory does not suggest that we evolved from rocks.
Yes, you should. Pity that you don't, but no-one's perfect.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Yes you should. But then you wouldn't be Christians anymore.
(Okay, I know that's not true, you can believe in both but meh.)
It's different to learn science than to be indoctrinated into a creed of pseudoscientific arguments to deny its findings. But yes, you should learn it properly, for that you should pursue actual education instead of wasting your youth preaching to grow a reality-denial cult and enrich its misleader.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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