HopefulNChrist #fundie baptistboard.com
I can infer the "truth" about the de-evolution theory by the 2nd law of Thermodynamics than you can for macroevolution, but that is a mocking sarcasm against the "preponderance of evidence" reasoning for the evolution theory. Do men act like apes around females? Do not many witnesses, both men and women, will attest to men behaving like Neanderthals? Do law enforcements testify to men acting like Cro-Magnum men when subduing females against their will for mating? One can observe and prove the de-evolution theory quite well by such a preponderance of evidence and yet we know it is not true, right?
Science cannot prove the age of anything by their dating method when it goes past known human history since they are errant dating results as proven by history and even in the present day; example; a living mollusk is carbon dated as 2,300 years old "dead". So how can any one take stock in their dating methods past human history? No self respecting scientists can.
And when the errant dating methods does not meet their evolutionary time table or find a fossil out of place as found with fossils in according to their geographical evolutionary time table, they conveniently place it in according to the evolutionary time chart.
Evidence of this is how fossilized whale bones and other fossilized marine life were found on the top of the Andes Mountains buried "TOGETHER" with fossilized land animal bones like the extinct Gibbon. The "scientists" testify that they can just bend over and pick them right up, but to counter them being buried together, they spun the tale in presenting the evidence in according to the evolutionary time table by saying that the mountains rose suddenly from the sea, trapping marine life by doing so, and yet offer no explanation for the fossilized land animal bones that were found buried together with the fossilized marine life.
The scientific fact about the reservoir effect where marine life will absorb carbon 14 at a lower rate than land animals seems to be purposefully overlooked in favor of presenting these preponderance of evidence. That means they would get a different dating result by those fossilized bones on that mountaintop buried together. See the evidence of the Biblical global flood yet?
They are now changing the time table from when they said that birds evolved from dinosaurs to now.. dinosaurs had evolved from birds. Would birds in flight receive a higher absorption of carbon 14 than land animals? In any event, what they had said formerly as being a fact or true, they are now changing their "facts" or the "presentation" of the evidence but still only within the parameters of the evolution theory.
When our government gives grants to those that try to prove the evolution theory, you can suspect any proposals for grants to be geared towards that effect when their livelihood is at stake.
Now if that false science is not circumspect enough, Jesus's words testify to Noah's flood as a real time event as a warning to believers to be ready or else because Peter warned of a fiery judgment was coming in 2 Peter 3 rd chapter also in relation to Noah's flood.
Jesus validated the first marriage. He validated the reason behind the creation of the sabbath day. He warned believers in regards to how God has judged the world by the flood in Noah's days and judged the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah of that coming judgment of destruction that will occur after His appearing for why they are to be ready & willing to go or else.
No genetic information has ever been observed as being added to a living organism. It will never happen. The Law of Biogenesis sees to that as life cannot come from nothing; life comes from similar life, but evolutionists keeps glossing over that law because they coined the term microevolution from that law to make macroevolution "look" plausible. It is a deception.
So you either believe Jesus's words or you believe the ever changing words of fallible men by their fallible devices for what that false science that is the evolution theory is all about; the world withholding the truth in unrighteousness.