People need to see the brutality of abortion. What really needs to be done is for someone to dumpster dive for aborted fetuses, if they weren't incinerated (obviously), and string up as many as you can in little nooses outside an abortion clinic. This would be done at night. Make sure you get 'em high up so you need a ladder to get them down. You could even stretch razor wire around the area to make it hard for anyone to clean it up without some serious effort. A couple gallons of fake blood all over the ground and on the building would be added for even more effect. Then be sure to tip off the news so they get there before anyone else. This would really get the point across...
I know, I think it's the mental image of this guy taking the time to hang dead fetuses on little nooses, etc. When I first came across it I had to do a double take, like "Whaaa? Is he really proposing dumpster diving for aborted fetuses and hanging them all over an abortion clinic?!" The fake blood and calling the media just rounds out the crazy so nicely. :) I think that this amazingly twisted masterpiece will go down as one of my more treasured finds. :)
Given that the vast majority of abortions are performed on tiny clumps of cells, I'd love to see how you find a neck to put a noose around. I don't think it's going to be as spectacular a show as this person thinks, all things considered. The higher up you hang them, the less visible they'll be.
Why is it anti-abortion people think every fetus is newborn-sized?
What the hell is he going to use for a noose? Thread?
Honestly, people think that aborted fetuses look like dead babies. It's like they that when an egg combines with a sperm, a fully-formed infant results and just hangs out for nine months.
Well, I think that's icky and implausible, but since you're the one who thinks they're people, isn't that abuse of a corpse?
This person has no concept of biohazard, does he? Anything that contains or has come into contact with blood will NOT be just thrown out. It is, I believe, incinerated, or otherwise SAFELY disposed of.
You know, I really think that the pro-choice lobby needs to respond to this by posting pics like this one of Gerri Santoro, who died during a botched illegal abortion. Or Becky Bell. Or the women who have died in Nicaragua since abortion became criminalized there. Or from Columbia, or Uruguay, or any of the other developing countries where access to reliable birth control and safe abortion have historically been problematic.
...because clinics just dump them into the trash. Yeah, makes so much sense. I mean, that's what they do in surgery, right? Oh, here's an appendix. Another one for the trash!
They don't throw fetuses in dumpsters, dumb ass. They are considered medical waste or used for research purposes. Razor wire, fake blood? Wow, you're one sick little puppy,aren't you?
Hey, Kirk and Spock have a close and affectionate relationship. If people want to get hot over imagining them having /sex,/ that's...not my thing, and a little weird, but I've roomed with a yaoi shipper. Kirk/Spock is both sane and socially responsible by the standards. And even S.'s tastes had no patch on this. Don't put this psycho on the same level.
Also if you look, he knows they're incinerated. This is a fantasy about what he would do if he could get his hands on a bunch of little aborted corpses. Of course, given how rarely abortions are performed late enough to produce useful little horrors, he'd probably have to collect for months to get even a little string, and pickle them in the meantime or something.
Ew. Did my logic just top the fundie's depraved imagination for gross? Spock would have something to say about that.
The genocide awareness project(GAP) an anti abortion group has tried similar stunts on my campus to zero effect (they only managed to annoy a lot of people, and inspired a counter protest and a petition to move GAP and their display off campus). I guess people just arent terribly moved by blown up pictures of aborted babies juxtaposed with holocaust pictures. What makes you think you'll do any better, Alancj?
This just proves that you have no respect for human life if you're willing to treat body parts with such disrespect.
And medical facilities don't just throw body parts into dumpsters. That's highly illegal, as anything removed from the human body is considered hazmat.
Most of the fetuses are going to be too small to be easy to hang, and they wouldn't be visible unless you were right up close, if at all.
And anyway, they don't dump medical waste in a dumpster, it's disposed of specially.
You know, I am kinda afraid to stumble in drunk stupor in a christian redneck bar some night. While it's pretty intese even reading your cerberal diarrhea via the internet, it would scare my fucking ass off hearing some hillbillys talk about their creepy fantasies while "socializing".
I guess i'd suffer a major heart attack, thinking i got somehow in a horror movie situation.
(No offense to non-batshit-insane hillbillys and rednecks. Can't say anything against Moonshine or Banjoes, and if you like to hunt your own food. Meh, why not.)
What really needs to be done is for someone to dumpster dive for aborted fetuses, if they weren't incinerated (obviously), and string up as many as you can in little nooses outside an abortion clinic
1) Aborted material is routinely incinerated.
2) Aborted zefs aren't little babies as you're imagining. At the time of most abortions, the aborted zef resembles nothing more than a heavy period.
If, and I stress the word "If", reality matched up to your deranged fantasy about the abortion process, then, yes, that would be a reasonably potent stunt. However, and this is where that "If" comes in, remember that ?, reality and your fantasy are not just worlds apart, they are worlds in different galaxies at different ends of the universe, in different dimensions, apart.
The brutality of abortion is nothing like the brutality of birth. Birth is the single most horrible thing that happens to us. 5.2 infants out of 1000 births in the US don't make it to their first birthday.
For the umpteenth time; most abortion happen before week 12, when the embryo is about the size and shape of a kidney bean. They don't have a neck to string an noose around yet. Besides, all embryos are either donated to science or incinerated or otherwise destroyed.
How are you going to see all the little kidney beans on the string if it's high up?
8 weeks along, about half an inch long (1,5 cm)
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