Craig Nicholls #conspiracy

The Mayans are genetically unique, even today ancestors survive and are atleast 12% genetically different from other humans, like American Indians they are a cross between asian, negro and something else, also at one point about 2 million Mayans simply vanished, no evidence of mass graves, illness and or them going elsewhere, they simply vanished, I think they were moved off planet. If anyone doubts alien or other races have, had and are visiting Ki (Earth) you only need look at all the evidence all over the planet, Easter Island, Puma Punku, Nazca Lines and also the pyramids that are all over the planet from China to the Ukrain, we even have a stone wall in Australia with Egyptian glyphs over it and with no evidence of ladders or climbing apparatus, whom ever did them was very tall. We are the aliens, our history is a lie.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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