No commemoration of the day that 3,000 people were murdered by Muslim terrorists would be complete without more Muslim whining that they are the real victims of their own attacks.
CNN has decided that the best way to commemorate September 11 would be with an editorial from one Sumbul Ali-Karamali with the obscene title, “American Muslims live in fear 11 years after 9/11?.
Right. They do. It’s not Americans who have to live in fear. It’s not Americans who are targeted for terrorist plots by Muslims in America every single year. It’s not Americans who are afraid of being killed, it’s Muslims, who have to “live in fear” because someone somewhere said something mean to them.
Shall we compare the number of Americans killed by Muslims in the last ten years with the number of Muslims in America killed for reasons of prejudice? The numbers would be lacking to the point of absurdity.
This shameless whinefest isn’t about fear, it’s about political influence. It’s devoid of even the faintest tinge of human decency. Like the Ground Zero Mosque, the goal is to hijack the dialogue and make it all about Muslims. On September 11 and on Ground Zero, there is this egotistical obsession with defiling even the graves of the dead.
“The defamatory rhetoric directed at Muslims and Islam in this country has little to do with the actual religion or its adherents and everything to do with fear of the Other,” Sumbul Ali-Karamali asserts.
Clearly. Today we commemorate an event that had no basis in reality, just fear of the other. The World Trade Center, Fort Hood, Times Square, the Portland Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, the Christmas Flight Bombing Plot and so many others— just fear of the other.
There’s nothing about Islam that leads its adherents to commit violence. And when terrorist after terrorist gets up in court and quotes the Koran, that has nothing to do with Islam. Over a thousand years of horrifying atrocities never happened either.
As vile as this is, I have to agree that "fear of the other" is a ridiculous explanation for anti-muslim sentiment. It was caused by the Iranian hostage crisis in the 70's and then the Sept. 11th attacks. Outside of those events, most Americans had no strong feelings about muslims one way or the other.
It’s not Americans who are afraid of being killed, it’s Muslims, who have to “live in fear” because someone somewhere said something mean to them.
First of Danny, it's there are Americans who are Muslim. Secondly, it's people like you who they fear.
If not actually fearing for their lives, just think about all the anti-Muslim prejudice they have to put up with on a daily basis from fine, upstanding, patriotic Americans who think that all Muslims are automatically terrorists and would like to round them up into concentration camps. Remember just a few years ago when the conservative right was all in a tizzy about the "Ground Zero mosque?"
Markb, the hostage crisis did not fuel generalized anti-Muslim sentiment (anti-Iranian, yes). Even 9/11 did not. What fuelled it was Dominionist and white nationalist rhetoric, aided by the likes of Spenser and Geller. By any other chain of causation, the Oklahoma City incident, the Columbine shootings, the Loughner shooting, the Aurora massacre, the Eric Rudolph bombings, and above all, Sandy Hook, should have triggered anti-white male sentiment.
If you would stop with your ridiculous "all Muslims are terrorists" shtick and get with reality, American Muslims wouldn't have to "live in fear" anymore.
I know of a person, he isn't even a Muslim or an Arab. Right after 9/11, he was in a mall, and someone yelled at him, "Go back to the Middle East!"
Now tell me, Daniel Greenfield. How would you feel if someone started saying "all Christians are terrorists"? You would be offended, wouldn't you? So what makes your blood god so special?
"As vile as this is, I have to agree that 'fear of the other' is a ridiculous explanation for anti-muslim sentiment."
It's not ridiculous at all. America has always had this problem, whether it was directed against the Irish or Jews or Catholics or Asians or, more recently, Arabs and Muslims. They can bolster their fear with whatever nonsense they wish, but ultimately these people are afraid of people who look darker, have accents, speak in a foreign tongue, dress differently, pray to another god, etc.
You had me rolling my eyes until you listed the Pioneer Courthouse Square debacle as one of your reasons to fear Muslim violence.
Guess what, dipshit? Nothing ever was anywhere close to blowing up or getting hurt, and the consensus here is that the kid (and he WAS a kid) was coerced/entrapped into it by the FBI. Sit your ass down and don't talk about shit you don't understand.
"Shall we compare the number of Americans killed by Muslims in the last ten years with the number of Muslims in America killed for reasons of prejudice? The numbers would be lacking to the point of absurdity."
I think it would be more poignant to point out the number of Muslims killed by Americans in useless illegal wars, say like Iraq. The total would NOT be in your favour.
So shut the fuck up, asshole.
"Shall we compare the number of Americans killed by Muslims in the last ten years with the number of Muslims in America killed for reasons of prejudice? The numbers would be lacking to the point of absurdity. "
How about the number of Muslims outside America killed for reasons of conservatives are frightened by the boogyman under their bed?
How absurd will it have to get before you notice the absurdity?
Like the slight of hand at the end. Of course there's nothing to distinguish Muslims and Islamism, just as there's nothing to distinguish the Westboro Baptist Church from Episcopalians. The fact that Muslims have lived very well together with people of other religions or under non-Muslim rule for centuries is neither here nor there. Nor, apparently, are the massacres of very many more people than died on 9/11 where the victims happened to be Muslim and the perpetrators Christian.
Daniel Greenfield is promoting fear of the other to people who may never have met a Muslim let alone know any personally, based on deceit and terror.
"Shall we compare the number of Americans killed by Muslims in the last ten years with the number of Muslims in America killed for reasons of prejudice? The numbers would be lacking to the point of absurdity."
OK, produce the evidence.
"it’s Muslims, who have to “live in fear” because someone somewhere said something mean to them."
Tell that to the congregation of the Ohio mosque burned down last week by Randolph Linn, so riled by Fox News that he had to do something. Tell that to the widows and orphans at Oak Creek Sikh Temple who, to an ignorant eye afraid of the other, just happen to look like Muslims.
Lets tally the number of americans killed by muslims, and the number of muslims killed by americans....
between 1975 and 2000....none..........thousands
between 2001 and 2010..thousands........millions
"And when terrorist after terrorist gets up in court and quotes the Koran, that has nothing to do with Islam."
That sure would be something in your favor if the people accused of being terrorists got trials...
American Muslim: "Hey, why did you guys wiretap my house? I haven't done shit!"
Daniel Greenfield: "You just shut up! Eleven years ago people that also prayed to Mecca KILLED PEOPLE!"
"Over a thousand years of horrifying atrocities never happened either."
And another irony meter gone...
Never mind your faux outrage about the headline, Danny, the question as always, is "Is it true?"
And the answer is, "Why yes. Yes it is."
It’s not Americans who are afraid of being killed, it’s Muslims
So the terms "Americans" and "Muslims" are mutually exclusive?
Maybe I'll start doing that with "Republicans" and "Americans". Or with "NRA members" and "Americans", just to get the NRA apologists here upset. :-))
Daniel, if people like you were given free rein, our national anthem would be: "Let them all go to Hell, except cave 76!"
Some idiot muslim extremists cause a genocide and idiots like you start pointing fingers at every single muslim you find, even if they are americans, accusing them of being the same as the insane killers.
So yeah, they are victims of fear. Fear of idiots like you.
"Right. They do. It’s not Americans who have to live in fear. It’s not Americans who are targeted for terrorist plots by Muslims in America every single year. It’s not Americans who are afraid of being killed, it’s Muslims, who have to “live in fear” because someone somewhere said something mean to them. "
You do know that Muslim is not a nationality, right?
This may come as a surprise to you but there are Muslim Americans.
What exactly do you agree with. I have my own objections with Muslims but they are the same objections I have with Christians and Jews. They tend to be irrational and attempt to push their morality on other people. They also have very warped views on ethics and morality. I also feel that people should be able to justify their beliefs, especially when they make policy decisions based on those beliefs.
However I am not bigoted towards Muslims like this guy is. I do not hate them because they are Muslim nor do I neglect to acknowledge that they are irrationally discriminated against and used as the bogeyman to push certain agendas.
"Shall we compare the number of Americans killed by Muslims in the last ten years with the number of Muslims in America killed for reasons of prejudice? The numbers would be lacking to the point of absurdity. "
Why don't you compare the number of Americans killed by other Americans during the same period?
I'm betting that number will far outstrip the number of Americans killed by muslims.
When you get crazies who push people they think are muslims into the path of oncoming trains, this sort of thing really stands true.
Admitedly that sort of incident is rare, but then so is actual muslim terrorism...
The only thing wrong about people who espouse this view is that they usually don't admit to the violent history of western religion and its terrible list of atrocities too. They're usually not saying "Islam is one of the worst examples of a terrible phenomenon called religion", which is a message I could get behind, but rather, "Islam is terrible, so unlike Christianity which is the solution to everything" which is a message of horseshit peddlars I cannot get behind.
There’s nothing about Islam that leads its adherents to commit violence. And when terrorist after terrorist gets up in court and quotes the Koran, that has nothing to do with Islam. Over a thousand years of horrifying atrocities never happened either.
You realise, of course, that Christianity has even more blood on it's hands?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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