There are countless examples from history of proof that there is a GOD. I'll briefly give just one...
The War of 1812 continued into 1814. In August of that year, the British sailed up the Chesapeake and marched on Washington, DC. They met very little resistance as they entered the US Capitol. On August 24, the then unopposed British set fire to several Federal buildings including the White House! The next day, while the fires still raged, suddenly a hurricane passed over the Capitol and some claim to have even seen a tornado come down Pennsylvania Avenue towards the British! Not only was the White House fire and others put out by this great storm, the incredibly strong winds reportedly tossed British cannons into the air killing some soldiers and wounding others! When the storm was over, the British regulars and officers were so spooked by what had just happened, that they retreated - unopposed - to their ships and sailed off. (Google it.)
This was just an early indication of climate change and Washington's need to tax you.
Hang on. Darwiniotards can't discuss miracles because they don't exist in their world - so why even post this? Meme, miracles are impossible so ridicule all references to them - even if it looks like God's on your own side.
Ahhh, I see where you are going wrong - that's proof of tornadoes, not God.
And p.s. if God was really on your side, presumably you would perhaps have won the war?
so this god, who was supposedly on the U.S. side in the war of 1812, could not possibly have sent this supposed storm --- the existence of which i'm not taking for granted, by the way --- against the British forces BEFORE they burned Washington, D.C., WHY, exactly...?
or, to link this in with OhJohnNo's comment: the deities of Japan kept the invading Mongols off the Japanese shores entirely with THEIR windstorms. that's competent divinities for ya, not like these decadent western jehovahs...
So a bunch of soldiers (most of whom were Christian) were killed by a tornado when fighting on behalf of a country with a national church in a war against a country that is officially secular . . . and this proves that God exists?
If Brad's God actually exists, I think I'm better off not worshipping him, if that's the way he treats his followers.
It's a miracle! A hurricane hit a spot that gets hit by hurricanes, in the middle of hurricane season! At a time when we didn't have the technology to predict hurricanes!
Note that James Madison -- president of the US at the time -- later said that his biggest mistake in office was caving to political pressure and calling for a national day of prayer during the war.
This is insulting in its stupidity. Do I even need to outline all the ways that God has failed to intervene at far more critical moments in history than the burning of a government building?
And what is this example even supposed to mean? That God wanted to British to retreat just at that moment? Yet he saw no reason to allow the Americans to invade and annex Canada, which they tried and failed to do. And he can't be too anti-British either, since Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo the very next year to British and Prussian forces.
Am I really supposed to believe that God takes sides in battles? On what basis?
Consider what Voltaire said. 'God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best.'
I can't be bothered to check. The proposal that the American god is a weather god, pro-America and anti everyone else. is equally tenable on the basis of Watson's argument.
Watson has produced a reductio ad absurdam.
Of course, thousands of people were killed in an utterly pointless war, but there was some strong wind, so clearly the Christian God exists.
There are countless examples from history of proof that there is a ALLAH. I'll briefly give just one...
Infidels invaded a muslim country. The infidels had the best high tech military available, while the muslims had hand-me-down guns from the last infidel invasion.
After lots of bombing, missiling, shocking and aweing, the infidels are gone and the muslims are still here.
Nyahh nyahh nyahh.
Doubting Thomas, I don't mean this in a sarcastic way. Google miracles or angel stories. Some will undoubtedly be things that can be rationally dismissed. Others will fall into a 'well maybe' category. Still others will have facts associated with them, are told in a cogent rational way by people with zero vested interest in making things up.
Sorry. It's simple. Multiple witnesses, testimonies, aren't just anomalies, they become a statistical basis for believing in 'hyper-dimensional' beings/ another realm for existing in.
The tired worn-out story of brain chemistry in times of stress just doesn't work.
I'm reading a book of angel testimonies right now. Out of the hundred or so reported cases only a handful sound like people making stuff up/ attention seekers. The others, people with no reason to lie at all. No doubt of their experiences, and unable to explain things that appeared 'unbelievable' in the account of events.
I myself, dating back nearly thirty years ago have one 'angel' story to tell, but wouldn't do it here. I'd just encourage you to do a single cover to cover read of testimonies with events in them that are both sensible and supernatural - they are out there.
So, you're saying that God is real, but that he chose the aggressive, invading side in the War of 1812?
I'd almost rather he didn't exist than that possibility.
Wow, this really sounds Colbert-ish. You're not really saying G-d is on America's side, are you? Are you?
Also, wouldn't it just have been simpler to have all the Canadian troops die of leprosy before they even sailed down the Chesapeake, rather than letting them burn Washington in the first place?
Except that didn't happen. We pulled out because we'd burned down your capital, thus achieving our goals. Besides, if God was really on your side, why'd you appoint a drunk and a laudunum addict who hated each other to lead the 1813 invasion of Canada? Did God promise you he'd make up for their failings? Because he sort of didn't.
So where the fuck was he at the Siege of Acre, Little Big Horn, Dunkirk, Bataan, etc?
As shaky as this example is for proof of divine intervention (you know being that it was hurricane season on the east coast of the US), it doesn't prove which divine supposedly interveened.
You could easily use the same story to "prove" the existence of Thor, or Ra, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or even Quetzalcoatl as much as you could the Abrahamic God.
Hell I could use it as proof for a religion I make up on the spot about magical invisible dragons that control the weather by speaking.
"they retreated - unopposed - to their ships and sailed off."
Yeah, they left town all right. But only to raid Alexandria and attack Baltimore . That's not fleeing, that's capturing a city, burning some of it down, seeing it as done and moving on. So either you're saying god likes Britain more than America, or your argument is flawed.
@Warren McIntosh
The Americans did win the War of 1812. Or at least, they repulsed all the British invasion forces, preventing the British from taking back any of the American territory they were trying to seize, and the peace treaty ended the British interference in American sea trade that had been the cause of the war. American historians consider it a victory.
So, this is the source for this, from the National Weather Service:
"August 25, 1814 in the early afternoon, a strong tornado struck northwest Washington and downtown. The severe tornadic storm arrived the day that the British Troops had set fire to the Capitol, the White house and other public buildings. The storm's rains would douse those fires. The tornado did major structural damage to the residential section of the city. More British soldiers were killed by the tornado's flying debris than by the guns of the American resistance. The tornado blew off roofs and carried them high up into the air, knocked down chimneys and fences and damaged numerous homes. Some homes were destroyed. It lifted two pieces of cannon and deposited them several yards away. At least 30 Americans were killed or injured in the heavily damaged buildings and an unknown number of British were killed and injured."
Not really proof of God, per se.
Interesting sidenote: That Tornado God sent also killed 30 american civilians.
God has bad aim.
Calling the war an American victory is an oversimplification. The US was also hoping to annex Canada but but were defeated every time. Most historians consider the war more of a draw for the US and Britain, with the losers being the Indians.
IF god was so awesome he would have sunk the British fleet off of Scapa flow or wherever the hell their main base was at the time. God's miracles are always a day late and a dollar short. His timing is shit. He should buy a fucking watch... Wait, he's god so he should make a watch but considering how he "intelligently" designed us, his watch would probably tell time in kilograms.
Oh well, fuck that blind watch maker you call god. I'll stick to science.
Also don't forget, the treaty was beneficial for the British in that it meant they could focus their efforts on Napoleon, now that the Americans wouldn't interfere with British shipping. In fact, the War of 1812 was mostly just the American front of the Napoleonic wars.
Yes, because when something kills people we do not like (even though they proclaim the same messiah), it can only be explained by the work of our god because he clearly favours us. Unlike stuff that kills people we like which is clearly the work of satan.
This is evidence that god exists, he likes us and that satan is an asshole. This interpretation of events is objective and has nothing to do with any cultural preconceptions.
When you start a war by launching an invasion, and are repulsed everytime, you can't claim that you won, just because you didn't lose any territory yourself. The war might have meant little in the long run, but seeing as the Americans failed to take Canada, and the British succeeded in their goal of not letting Canada get conquered, I'd say it's a British victory.
On a more relevant point, you'd think that if God was on their side, he'd have taught General Hull how to count. But nope. Instead he lets the poor bastard believe he's outnumbered, when all Brock was doing was marching the same troops around his fort again and again.
@Cloning Blues
That argument applies to the British too, though. They tried to take American territory and were completely repulsed, and failed to create a state for Native Americans. And their impressing of American sailors into the British navy and interference with American-French trade was halted (not to mention that British citizens welcomed the return of American-British trade, which the British blockade during the war had prevented). Americans put more emphasis on the context of a second War of Independence on American soil than the invasion of Canada (indeed, I don't even recall that part being covered in the History course I took in American high school), because that's the part they care about. The end of the war brought about the Era of Good Feelings in America. A stalemate is probably the best description. Or that everybody won, except the Native Americans.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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