ShiftyT #homophobia

Gay marriage falls into the silly notion of having freedom to do what we want. But that notion only sounds good because it's taken out of context. In context, it really means, freedom to drag down humanity in a destructive way. Oh the terror that we might not be able to indirectly attack each other!

To get straight to it, homosexuality is destructive to the human race, because it takes away our fundamental exercise to procreate and maintain humanity. All just for personal selfish pleasure. It is understandable if one becomes a eunuch or is simply abstinent for an unselfish higher purpose to make things better for the rest of us. But their is nothing about homosexuality that justifies giving up procreation. All their arguments are based on selfish reasons. I have yet to hear a reason that benefits the rest of society, besides themselves.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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