there are NO intolerant christians and christians did not kill anyone in the name of god, the people who killed were NOT christians jesus christ taught nothing but LOVE and he was killed by so called religious people! so ask yourselves how many christians have been slaughtered for their beliefs,maybe we can all live in harmony one day on this earth!
Posted by IRISH, Thursday, 23 August 2007 6:33:59 PM
"so ask yourselves how many christians have been slaughtered for their beliefs"
None, because in Mark:16 it says "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.", which was true of not of these people, hence they did not believe.
There were these little things called...the Crusades? You know, a couple of people got together for a party, and while they were drunk, this weird Urban dude said, "I love you guysh sho much! Letsh all -hic- walk to Jerushalem!"
And so they did. With thousands of people. Two years later, when they finally got to Jerusalem and conquered it, with no true casus belli, they had to wade ankle deep in Muslim and Jewish blood.
And the highest religious authority of the time told them that all of their sins would be absolved. What do you say to that?
The no True Scotchman fallacy cracks the very moment in which, not only say that they kill in God's name, but when those who clearly oppose the practice, do nothing to prevent them. And of course Jesus was killed by the so called religious people of the time, but also by Roman governor and by those who never stood for him.
Read your Bible, dinkwad. Even Jesus went ballistic on the moneychangers.
After the Bible, you might try reading a real history book to find out about some of the less-than-loving acts of some Christians.
So many here:
1. No True Scotsman
2. History Revisionist
But, in generally, this... this doesn't seem to fundie.
Hey IRISH... Do the following:
1) Hold up your right hand;
2) Extend your index and your middle fingers;
3) Place said fingers on your lower lip;
4) Quickly make the "Let your fingers do the walking" phone book motion with those fingers;
5) Say the following - "Bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop;"
6) With you left hand, please tune in godless PBS on your TV and watch the Monty Python sketch on the Spanish Inquisition; and
7) Continue the "Bloop, bloop, bloop" Thing ad infinitum.
Now that you are occupied, we who have to live in the Real World are thankful that at least one of your hands is not on the keyboard.
Yeah, you can wave that "martyr" card around all you want, but it does not change the fact that christians have killed people and continue to kill people in the name of their faith. Even your bible demands it. So my advice to you is: SHUT THE FUCK UP.
DinDC said:
"Hey IRISH... Do the following:
1) Hold up your right hand;
2) Extend your index and your middle fingers;
3) Place said fingers on your lower lip;
4) Quickly make the "Let your fingers do the walking" phone book motion with those fingers;
5) Say the following - "Bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop;"
6) With you left hand, please tune in godless PBS on your TV and watch the Monty Python sketch on the Spanish Inquisition; and
7) Continue the "Bloop, bloop, bloop" Thing ad infinitum.
Now that you are occupied, we who have to live in the Real World are thankful that at least one of your hands is not on the keyboard.
I have a better idea for IRISH.
1. Firmly grasp your lower lip with both hands.
2. Pull your bottom lip over your head.
3. Swallow your own head, and never bring shame to the Irish again.
What else is new another Christan trys to rewrite the history of chistanty to his/ her liking.
Wake up Irish
since the days of Constantine and the Council of Nicaea Xians have been editing Christianity to fit their own private needs and their political private personal agendas .
War after war genocide patricide,matricide ,infanticide,filicide or just plain old every day murder,pedophilia any kind rape child women boys it don't matter . murder hate slavery torture thievery .It dosnt matter thei isses or prablems is is just yank out the old instruction manual aka ( bible) and you'll find a gospel or proverb in there to fix it and . to fit your need or agenda..
The real sad part of it there are still.
Uninformed or just plain blind ignorant nitwits like Irish and other like him or her who claim the bible and Christianity is all about the love peace and fellowship throuth understanding and the teaching of Jesus and the apostles.
And do this with out ever once reading the fine print.
We sure can learn a lot about living in harmony form the irish.
also the post "No intolerant christians? An oxymoron if I ever heard one" actually is arguing that all christians are tolerant. the non part doesn't count towards the oxymoron.
Well, a lot of Christians have been slaughtered for their beliefs... mostly by other Christians. You can't just say 'they weren't really Christians' because you didn't like what they did. They might not have been very good Christians, but they were still Christians.
By that logic there are no true believers that are murderers. All those that kill have broken the laws of their morality, be it upheld through the Koran, Bible, Torah, personal ideas, philosophy, Confuscius' Annelects, or any other gathering of ideas.
Apparently, there is no such thing as a True Christian.
Oh, and Christianity is a religion.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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