Although I firmly believe that pants are mens clothing and should not be worn by women, to deliberately wear some that "culture" (although it is wrong) has defined as womens pants, goes against this verse also:
[Deut 22:5]
It is an abomination to God. And crossdressing (although yes I believe all pants are mens clothing, the fact that society accepts these as being womens pants means that men should not wear those particular styles) identifies you with homosexuals and other such wicked and perverted people.
Um, I think that he's saying that even though women should never wear pants, if a man wears pants intended for women, he'll catch the gay.
"culture" (although it is wrong) has defined as womens pants
What about that evil culture when it defined pants, instead of robes or sack cloth or whatever, to be men's clothing. What kind of blasphemy is this, to suggest that pants are a man's clothes when the Holy Bible does not state that anywhere?
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.
says NOTHING about homosexuals just makes big daddy mad. im a pants wearing heathen though but i love fundies misquoting to serve their purposes
szenah :"None of the pictures of Jesus show him wearing pants.
Jesus is a cross-dressing pervert according to your rules."
Don't you know that Jesus gets a bye? He can wear long hair and a dress and play with the little lambs and rainbows and butterflies, and yet still be the epitome of masculinity and not gay, nosirree, not one whit simply because of who he is -- i.e., the Son of God (trumpets!!).
So, you think that pants are a social convention and, nonetheless, you keep on saying that they have certain power to........what, to cause deaths or what?. This people can´t tell the difference between a mouse and an elephant.
What about kimonos in Japan, salwar kameeze on the sub continent, Arab dress, kilts in Scotland? As an Australian living in the US she's experienced two relatively young cultures in which men have always worn pants. Granted, those pants may have been satin knee breeches paired with silk stocking, but, by God, they were pants!
How can someone with so little cutural awareness or, for that matter, knowledge of the times in which her professed saviour lived, comment on culturally appropriate clothing?
I think katyanne broke my brain; it's time for a Bex, a cuppa and a good lie down.
Katyanne, I have a surprise for you. Culture is what dictates what is men's clothing or women's clothing. So pants aren't a sin.
A woman wearing a jock strap, however, is either kinky or just plain weird.
Alright! You go, kinky lady! Panties is pants, so toss those underwear away right now girls! And we will check, just to make sure you aren't sinning!
Hey, Napoleon the Clown, there are women's jocks out there (I have one for taekwondo). Trust me, getting kicked there hurts girls, too.
Oh, crap, I wear pants for martial arts along with my "cup." Mark me down as a crossdressing lesbian (guess I'd better tell my boyfriend that).
You also take martial arts, which (according to The Cult of Bro. Randy) is undeniable proof that you're a pants-wearing lesbian.
I bet katyanne will be upset to learn that some women wear boxers, too.
Oh Katyanne, please, please get off the T-4-C website before it's too late. Put on your jeans and go ice-skating with a fella, hold hands, kiss, be a happy normal teenager. Please, before it's too late.
I suppose Bro Randy isn't actually breaking any federal or state laws is he? So there's no way T-4-C could be closed? damn
What the heck are you talking about?
It is not sin for a woman to wear pants. It is not a sin for men to wear skirts.
The only reason why it is not acceptable in common society for men to wear women's clothing is because of gender assignment.
I think, you are misinterpreting the Bible, as many young and overenthusiastic Christians tend to do. Also, your grammar is horrible, so it is hard to make out what you are actually trying to say.
You should try quoting the verse to go along with your beliefs.
heather said:
Oh Katyanne, please, please ... be a happy normal teenager.
In one of her recent posts she refers to (paraphrasing) "back when I was 18" so I'm not sure she's even a teen anymore.
All the more sad, really.
I firmly believe that you are a waste of space, oxygen, water, and an unnecessary source of green house gases. So fuck off and die.
People who believe that wearing pants is immodest for women are seriously misguided and historically ignorant. The western culture has women in skirts traditionally only because on farms and out on the frontier, skirts make it easier for a woman to pee in the woods. What about all the cultures around the world that have both sexes wearing pants historically, like the Chinese, or have men in what we'd consider skirts, like the Greek traditional costume?
Kronk's Shoulder Devil: Listen up, big guy. I got three good reasons why you should just walk away. Number one. Look at that guy! He's got that sissy stringy music thing.
Kronk's Shoulder Angel: We've been through this. It's a harp, and you know it.
Kronk's Shoulder Devil: Oh, right. That's a harp, and that's a dress.
Kronk's Shoulder Angel: Robe!
Even the angels wear dress robes!
You know, it's rather funny how a lot of girls (not so much women) find skirts to be somewhat immodest. Go into any Catholic school with mirrors on your shoes and tell me how many of the girls are wearing gym shorts under their skirts -- betcha it'll be an awful lot of them, if not a majority.
It's already far too late for katyanne, she's a good little housewife now. Yep, she got married. She has her own forum telling women how to behave. You can't be a member if you're an icky boy.
Trousers on women, even if rather loose, draw men's eyes to the woman's crotch viewed from the front and to her buttocks viewed from the rear.
Men, is that what you want your sisters, mother, wife and daughters to wear? Men staring at their crotches?
Women, is that what you want? For men's eyes to be drawn to your crotches?
"A woman wearing a jock strap, however, is either kinky or just plain weird."
Yeah, she has no 'jock' to strap. I guess a thong is the female equivalent.
My girlfriend has an adorable butt and it looks great in jeans.
If God considers that a sin, He shouldn't have made her so damned cute, or at least burned the sweatshop down.
I'm sorry you've been screwed up and repressed by other people. Someday you may wear your boyfriend's t-shirt and realize how awesome life can be.
EDIT: Didn't King David "raise his skirts and dance"? Did Jesus ever in his life don a pair of trousers?
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