California Girl #fundie

[several posts all in one, she was just too good to miss]

Look, this is not a MYOB matter.

As long as the LGTB (Lesbian, Bay, Transexual Bigender) (oh, and also Heterosexual men who have sex with men, and Cross Dressers) Community continues their legal bully of ANYONE with moral beliefs ---not just the LDS folk---we have a problem.

When the ACLU and other LGTB organizations continue to :
• legally bully photographers into photographing them, even though it violates the photographer's religious beliefs
• leagally bully churches into allowing their gazebos to be used
•deny freedom of speech to the citizens of Canada (anyone who speaks out against homosexual practices in print is fined)
•pass laws like SB777 in CA mandating that children k-12 be immersed in material exposing them to a variety of sexual options

LOOK FOLKS, it isn't just about you anymore. It's starting to be an encroachment on my rights as a parent and my religious freedom.

Stop the passing of laws that infringe upon my rights.

I met someone who was gay recently and he agrees with me. If this radical infringement does not stop, it can only hurt the LGTB community.

[in a later post]

The solution, of course, is to just be angry with anyone with moral or religious thought. You are as bigoted as the bigots you point your finger at.

As for evolution, I don't have a problem with it being taught. Charles Darwin was a brilliant scientist.

As for global warming, check out Google Video's "The Great Global Warming Swindle" which interviews only a sampling of the thousands of climatologists who do not agree with the political hypermania called global warming. Be careful when you say "widely accepted by the scientific community" Because that is not the case.

Science is a process, but it flourishes in a free community, in which scientists are allowed to have a free exchange of ideas and share their data with each other. If they are politically gagged, the truth cannot be derived.

Same with the ongoing discussion as to weather the re-defining of centuries-old and millenia-old marriage by four activist judges in CA is a wise idea.

[one more nugget of brilliance]

You are wrong about that. It's not just us ignorant, Bible-totin' folk that embrace that oh-so-outdated and archaic notion of heterosexual marriage. It's in every culture since the dawn of time, and redefining it now to suit our own urges and proclivities is simply a short-winded experiment.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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