Al Cruise: I think we are going on the wrong trail here. What my original question was , what would happen if conservative Christianity had total control over the state in all areas of civil life. This is the parallel that the author is talking about. The Nazis took control of every aspect of life in Germany and we saw what happened. What would happen if conservative Christianity had the identical same control and power in the USA?
Skeptical Realist: It is impossible to separate people from the equation, and people are evil. But is actual disciples of Christ ran all things, it would be wondrous. Love God, and Love People. Prayer of the generic type would be allowed back into school. Abortion would be much more restricted if not illegal. Gender dysphoria would remain classified as a mental/psychological disorder. The traditional definition of marriage would be restored. Civil unions would be available to same sex partners. Freedom of sincere religious conscience would be restored. Totalitarian Islamism would be declared an enemy of the state and subversive towards the Republic. The federal govt would be removed from the role of nanny and caregiver, and return that to the people and the states.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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