Alan Vaughn #fundie

I don’t know what that’s all about – why anyone thinks they are supposed to be ‘sexy’ or pretty, because in my youth, the only women that ever had tattoos were whores and I was told the only men that may think they look sexy were men that were at least 3 parts pissed! (Drunkards).
It’s ironic because I can remember a group of girls at my school discussing the topic of tattoos and how ‘revolting’ they were (on men) and now at least two of those girls, now aged in their early 50’s have the stupid things! (They both have a ‘ring of thorns’ tattooed on their upper arms and those hideous designs on their lower backs which they expose by wearing those low-cut jeans. These ‘tatts’ make them look even more ridiculous, because they of course don’t have slim or petite figures and their exposed midriffs make them look more like fat muffins, than hot ‘girls’!
Talk about ‘mutton dressed as lamb’—
Maybe today, they’re a sort of feminist (man-hating) statement of their new-age ‘femininity’.
Whatever they’re meant to signify or prove, they certainly ensure that they will never be bothered by, or arouse any kind of attention from me.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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