Ann Barnhardt #fundie
I receive many emails from people who have watched the big Diabolical Narcissism video, and report that it has brought into sharp focus massively painful relationships, usually with a spouse or parent, but occasionally with a child, sibling, friend or co-worker.
I would like to take this opportunity to caution against “seeing a Diabolical Narcissist behind every tree”. Just because someone is a jerk, or even a narcissist in the sense of being selfish and self-absorbed, that doesn’t make that person a Diabolical Narcissist. DN is an extremely grave pathology, and while certainly exploding among the populace (as evidenced by its direct corollary, homosexuality and all forms of sexual perversion), DN is still a very small percentage of a given populace. Remember, a DN is a human being that has consciously and freely chosen to purge himself of all love. That is no small thing. DNs are thus incapable of any emotion derived from love, such as happiness, pleasure, genuine sadness, and are utterly devoid of empathy. Thus, they are capable only of the demonic emotional palate: anger, hatred, jealousy and fear.
Put another way, a mere narcissist wakes up thinking about themselves: “Me, me, me, me, me, me.” A DN wakes up thinking, “Who can I hurt next? Who is my next victim? Who can I destroy?” That’s a big distinction. Mere narcissists certainly do damage to others, but it is usually “collateral damage”. With DNs, every aspect of every attack on their chosen victims is meticulously planned, set up, fantasized about and executed. As with spouses in particular, the grooming phase may last years.
So, what is my advice to people who have found themselves in the situation of loving a Diabolical Narcissist?
The key to processing such a situation is, I think, to meditate on how God must feel about satan and the fallen angels, or as they are commonly known, demons.
Now, the analogy is very imperfect for obvious reasons. First, a person who loves a DN is not the DNs CREATOR. And thus, we realize that God’s pain is in a category infinitely above ours because our pain is a parity-level pain, between existential equals. God’s pain is that of the Creator, rejected, despised and warred against by His own creation. Second, we can never love with the perfect purity of God, obviously. Still, we can love.
A few preliminary words about the angelic beings. First, the more we learn about the universe, the greater the number of angelic beings seems to be implied. I read a news story just a few weeks ago that the Hubble Telescope has revealed that there are at MINIMUM 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, an increase over the previous estimate by a factor of ten. Now, each of these galaxies has, let’s say, an average of 100 billion stars. We know that every human being that has ever existed, including fertilized eggs that lived only a few hours, have had a guardian angel, and that angels are not “recycled”. So that puts the number of angels JUST assigned a human being into the hundreds of billions. Now, if we also take sacred tradition that every star in the universe has an angel assigned to it, we are looking at something like 200 SEPTILLION angels – just looking after stars. The “Second Sphere” of angels consisting of the three Choirs known as Dominions, Powers, and Virtues, would be charged with looking after and safeguarding the physical universe. See Ephesians 1:21, Colossians 1:16, and 1 Peter 3:22. If you have ever wondered why the demons don’t just destroy the earth, well, it is because there is an army of angels double their size defending the universe. And no, when there is an earthquake or other natural disaster, that isn’t “demons beating God”, that is The Divine Providence permitting chastisement in order to turn sinful men back to Him. I wrote about this recently in my post about the earthquake that struck Norcia, Italy.