"Maybe, just maybe, when NASA goes into outer space, they are disrupting the heavens some kind of way... He may allow some things, like a space shuttle exploding, to happen to keep us humble so that we know He is in control... In God's infinite wisdom, He knows that if He placed us on Earth, that's where we should stay until death."
PROTIP: The film "Gravity" is not a documentary.
...nor is the Jim Carrey film "The Truman Show", for that matter.
Last night, I watched a documentary about Concorde. It included scenes of the protests in the 1970s by Americans against it landing there; 'noise' and 'pollution', being their excuses.
Excuses. So transparent, even Stevie Wonder could see through such; 'Noise' & 'Pollution'? Bollocks. Fact: Concorde's Olympus engines generated less noise than those on an American Boeing 747, certainly less pollution generated (and it's contrail was almost pure water vapour). It was purely jealousy, that the French & British had invented a Mach-2 airliner first, and the US hadn't.
Just as this BS is pure jealousy that it was Atheist Soviet science that went into space first; Sputnik-1, the first Terran lifeform Laika, the first man, Yuri Gagarin, the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova, first EVA, Alexey Leonov being the least of your problems: Soviet Atheist scientists put you on your now constant & equally Atlas-ean task of constantly moving the goalposts since Sputnik-1's annihilation of literal Biblical 'Creation'.
@Violet Beauregarde
Which is why I prefer the Derpyurge. Even she just didn't know what went wrong, re. Ponyville's town hall roof. (6)_(9) [/Derpy Hooves is Adorablest pony /)^3^(\ ]