I notice P-G hasn't answered that question:
'Speaking as a straight man, I can say exactly how much the emergent LGBT culture and they given equal rights under the law has affected me personally'
Which of course I answered, as it's an extremely easy question: Zero.
Brings to mind this thread, specifically this comment (by doomcup):
Notice something - or particularly things (as in plural) - in this thread, and especially in relation to the above linked one?
1- P-G hasn't - or daren't - answered that question as a straight person such as myself would, as (to me) it's an ultra-easy one (just as I did in that linked thread). As per Bryan Fischite in that thread, P-G is argumentally cornered.
2- P-G hasn't - or daren't - commented in that linked thread. As per the hyper-easy question posited by me in this thread. Because as per Bryan Fischite there, P-G's lack of an answer reveals more about him than he claims to the contrary.
Re. the pic of Fred Phelps in that thread, one doesn't need to be Freud to figure out any & all anti-LGBT types. Closet Cases all.
Denial is not a river in Egypt. Now, as I said, Speaking as a straight man, I can say exactly how much the emergent LGBT culture and they given equal rights under the law has affected me personally: Zero.
And again, I ask the question posed on other threads: Point out on the doll where the nasty 'Homosexual Agenda' touched you personally...?
Because I'm yet to be so much as to be touched by a gay man once. Nor have any wanted me to reciprocate. I'm not sexually interested in them, they're not sexually interested in me. One word: Gaydar.
'But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.'
-Thomas Jefferson
'But it does me no injury for my neighbours who are adult, consenting & of the same gender to do what they want in the privacy of their home. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.'
Now, just answer the question:
If you're as straight as you claim, how much has LGBT people, and the emergent LGBT culture - also same-sex couples having equal legal rights as hetero ones - affected you personally?
My (ultra-easy) answer: Zero. I expect a numerical answer (as per Bryan Fischite asked the question which required an extremely easy 'Yes' or 'No' answer) from you, P-G. As, say, a percentage of how much teh ebil Homosexuals (via their 'Agenda') has somehow done something to you for the worse, physically (thus the question 'Now show me on the doll where the nasty Homosexual Agenda touched you personally?').
Remember what doomcup said in that linked thread. If you dare click on it, as the lack of comment(s) by you on such proves to the contrary.
KittyKaboom, Kuno, and everyone else, P-G's fucked, argumentally & logically. Either way, if he answers - or evades the question as per usual in his trademark unjustifiably & non-sequitur-esque obtuse way - he is. Or he doesn't, thus his lack of an answer speaks volumes about him. >:D
Well, there you have it. P-G = Bryan Fischite as per that interview (via that link). And like him, P-G's already answered the question.
All it would've taken is to answer said question, by what numerical gradient/percentage does teh ebil nasty 'Homosexual Agenda' affect him personally (also - as per my previous request - to point out on the doll where said nasty 'Homosexual Agenda' has touched him personally?).
As I - a straight man - answered that extremely easy question: as to how much the emergent LGBT culture etc has affected me personally: Zero.
I personally have absolutely no problem with what adult, consenting gay men do in the privacy of their home (I mean, it's not as if they go around demanding that they enter other peoples' domiciles and perform said consenting acts in their front rooms). So what's P-G's?
That is the $64 trillion question.