Power Point Paradise #fundie powerpointparadise.com
1. I'm not American! Nor a warmongering, Israel-worshipping, Evangelical Zionist Neo-Con! I'm a follower of Jesus Christ who deplores wars in Iraq, Libya, now Syria (& soon Iran). The sad fact is that much of U.S. & British Christianity was hijacked by unscriptural Scofield Bible supporters. "My Kingdom", Jesus said, "is not of this world, else would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews!" God's Kingdom is not the USA nor political "Israel."
2. I am no"Creationist!" I'm an apologist. One can't scientifically "prove" faith! Like other 'non-creationist' scientists like Newton, Einstein & others, I believe in Intelligent Design & Creation but cannot prove it to you, as neither Creation nor Evolution were ever observed by any of us. Actually there are more logical arguments for Intelligent Design!
3. I don't believe in evolution! It's a religion like the one saying the Earth was created on the back of an elephant! Evolutionists can act like the Inquisition, sensitive, bitterly persecuting people who bust their legend back to "religion masquerading as science!" Evolution was never observed! The theory is as wobbly as the "Big Bang" which was recently demoted to myth, when an undisputed Quasar was discovered IN FRONT of a Galaxy, falsifying the first pillar of Big Bang ideology. Read about it here!
4.The MAIN reason for the entrenchment of the theory of evolution is International Banker & Mainstream MEDIA support & the unpopularity of the only alternative! Evolution is a religion of UNbelief in a Designer, as otherwise people's style would be cramped by an Intelligent Designer! The purchase & take over of the Western Media by anti-God 20th Century Foxes ensured persecution of Christian thought, culture, & reasoning, and succesful proselytising of the masses by Atheism, Nihilism, Materialism, Socialism, Cultural Marxism & Evolution of course as a bogus Genesis. Hence the demise of Western Christendom ensued as night follows day. SEE Graphic!
5. Dragons are NOT legends nor myths! Dragons have more historical documentation than "dinosaurs" that don't have any! Dragons also have LOADS of fossils to back them up, for the plain & simple reason that since evolutionary highpriest Darwin started preaching, evolutionary religionists sponsored by Freemasons & New World Order Illuminists, hijacked our Dragon bones since 1875 & falsely re-christened them as "dinosaur fossils!" Of all things! Evolutionists then supplied these mythical "Dinos" with a 65 million year old myth that they were supposed to have died out in a selective disaster that didn't even kill off the more sensitive other "branches" of the legendary "evolution tree!" BALONEY! There is no archeological proof of such a feat, on the contrary... people not so long ago DID observe, see & FIGHT DRAGONS! Some were actually eaten alive by them!
6. I'm shocked by the ignorance on forums that link to us. Dudes unthinkingly parrotting what they see on TV, "learn" in school or from biased evolution spouting M.S. (Main Stream) Media, like National Geographic, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, etc. They are gullible & uncritical of what is fed to them & get easily sown up in the forum's peerpressure by the "wise" guys who rule the forum & issue the watchword. The follower-types quickly aquiesce their true hunch that "something stinks in Denmark!" Wake up dude! You're being bullied "intellectually!" NOT?
7.The addiction to Mainstream Media! Dumbed down television slaves unthinkingly absorb Main Stream Media fodder and believe almost anything MSM- channels spew forth, like: "JFK was assasinated by a lone gunman", "Israel tried to sink The Liberty by mistake", "9-11 was done by 12 cave-dwelling Arabs with box cutters", & "Pearl Harbour was such a 'cool movie' Roosevelt didn't know long in advance the Japanese were planning to attack Pearl Harbour."
Most Western people are deceived by the Media, stressed out by the Matrix, unable to think for ourselves and became evolutionary Dino-worshippers.
8. One more thing. See this significant little BBC logo left? You've got to understand; Evolution was sponsored and designed to undermine your faith in your Supernatural roots and nature. Thus no more spirits, ghosts, angels, nor a Heaven for you! Whereas... millions of you did see ghosts, had angelic encounters, visions, milions of NDE experiences, visiting perfect Heavenly dimensions somewhere Out There proving Heaven is real! As Jesus said "In my Father's House are many mansions! IF it were NOT so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, you may be also!" Then he said: "If anyone believes in me, he has eternal life, and has passed from death into life!" "If anyone hears my voice & opens the door, I will come into Him and sup with him and he with me!" Don't you see? That's what their Media Info war is all about! To cut you loose from your spiritual moorings! Don't become their pawn, their useful idiot! Don't let them! Wake up out of your mass media induced stupor today!