As for dinosaurs. This is a good scene to describe how they have been used against god.
6,000 B.C. - Garden of Eden
Devil - Adam? Do you know that dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago?
Adam - Are you kidding? Theres one eating off the cherry tree right now.
Devil - Darn...
4400 B.C. - Building Site of Noah's Ark.
Noah - I'm 10 foot 8
Noahs son - Well Im 10 foot 9.
Noah - Fine, go get me that tree will you?
Noah's Son - Here you go! *Rips tree out of the ground*
Devil - knock knock. Noah, do you know dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago?
Noah - Are you joking? I fed them this morning, the two babies im bringing on the ark. A pink one and a blue one.
Devil - Urggh!
1900 A.D. - Discovery of Dino Bones
Devil - Yesss!!!! Here you! Do you know they went extinct millions of years ago?
Scientist - Huh? You're right! It all fits ((Into nothing)) this must mean the bible is fake.
Devil - YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!! ... I mean... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
Bria, what she's saying is essentially a combination of the 'Dinosaur fossils created by the flood' myth, together with the 'evolution is the tool of the Satan-worshipping atheists' [/snark] meme. In other words, a fairly standard combination of ignorance and slander.
Is this some sort of crazy fundie off-Broadway production?
YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!! ... I mean... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS! In fact, I helped write it.
I love how people are so unwilling to spend the time and effort to understand what science has uncovered, and how we know, that they will instead make up preposterous fantasies, and labor under the delusion that such are "rational", while they scientists' 'stories' are "make-believe".
It'd be even funnier were it not so sad.
OK sweetie, it's a little late now, but when you're setting your hair buns, you're not meant to do both sides with the same skewer.
I can understand why primitive people thousands of years ago had to come up with these fantasies to try and explain their existence and the world around them. What is really mind blowing is that most people today are willing to still believe the fantasies when science has done a damn fine job of explaining these "mysteries." Not only do they believe it, they make up crap to try to discredit it. This is truly awe-inspiring ignorance.
Princess Leia is a woman of intelligence, wit, and dignity. This dipstick wouldn't know any of those qualities if they hit her over the head with a dinosaur bone.
Indeed... this would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.
Nothing is said in the Babble about Noah and/or his sons being of above average height.
Apparently, PL1 here is unaware that there were many, many different species od dinosaurs. Just one pink one and one blue one on the ark wouldn't have done the job.
Dinosaur bones weren't discovered until 1900? Check again, sweety. It must mean that your information is fake.
These idiots have never explained why it is we've only ever been able to find fossilized dinosaur bones if their extinction happened only 4000 years ago (Flood chronology). Yet we've been able to find the carcasses of wooly mammoth with meat on them.
They've also never produced any skeletons of those giant humans they keep mentioning. Not one. If they existed, produce a skeleton.
We've got Egyptian and Meso-American mummies. We've got the bones from countless burial sites dating back thousands of years. None of them show any freakish growth. But because the Babble mentions giants, they must've existed.
These idiots have never explained why it is we've only ever been able to find fossilized dinosaur bones if their extinction happened only 4000 years ago (Flood chronology). Yet we've been able to find the carcasses of wooly mammoth with meat on them.
I can think of one excuse they might dream up:
The only reason the wooly mammoth carcasses still had meat on them was that the mammoths were frozen in ice. Dinosaurs, being cold-blooded, lived only in warm climates where there wasn't any ice or snow to get frozen in.
No, wait, I take it back -- that answer sounds way too much like real science. They'd never use it.
Noah - Are you joking? I fed them [dinosaurs]this morning, the two babies im bringing on the ark. A pink one and a blue one.
"Everything I Know About Dinosaurs I Learned From Barney Award?"
Most scientists have respect for the bible and are Christians. They make their scientific discoveries fit in with their beliefs usually. The scientific establishment is not atheistic, you turd blossom.
Which book of the bible did these come out of?
I'm translating this whole thing as "the devil created logic and uses it to subvert the teachings of God". Only it hasn't worked out that way. It only contradicts some interpretations. Because they care not to actually take their religion serious and scholarly.
DEVIL: You realize you need to stop being rational, stop believing in scientific evidence, and, most of all, spew your idiocy all over the Web, right?
IDIOT FUNDIE: Of course.
DEVIL: YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!! ... I mean... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"
I wrote something about how the layers of sedementary rock are all nice and neat like a chronological book, allowing us to view, page-by-page, the development of large vertebrate animals from small tubeworms...
But... it vanished when I tried to post it. Darn it, now you'll never know what it was I wanted to s... wait a minute...
Somehow I was under the impression the Devil was a little more subtle than that, you know? I mean, his little speech to Eve did not go something like this:
DEVIL: Hey, Eve!
EVE: Hmm?
DEVIL: Eat from the Tree of Knowledge!
EVE: But God said--
DEVIL: God, Schmod. If you eat from the Tree of Knowledge, God will be seriously pissed at you, you'll acquire shame, you'll be mortal and grow old and die, animals will try to kill you, you'll have to work endlessly under the hot sun to eat, and you'll feel pain while giving birth and forced to be subservient to your husband.
EVE: ...
DEVIL: CRAP! No, wait, it'll make you as good as God. REALLY.
EVE: ...
DEVIL: ...
EVE: I have to go... cuddle with the lion cubs now.
based on this theory, 99.9% of the NBA are descended from Noah and his sons
fundie scienctific theory really does work
Anyone else ever think about how there are millions and millions of different sorts of animals? Far too many to fit on any ark, really. I mean, there would have had to have been some sort of... oh... simplified species which... gosh... I guess they just repopulated the world and a few mutations happened, and we got all these new animals out of it. Oh wait, that's evolution. Oops
Also, ever wonder if Noah and his family sat around checking the sexes of the animals all day? Think he made any mistakes? What if he'd gotten two blue dinosaurs by accident? Homosexual Dinosaurs!
Anyone got an aspirin?
Didn't the Chinese find dinosaur bones thousands of years ago, and based their belief in dragons upon them?
If the dinosaurs were on Noah's ark, where are they today? After all, if evolution is false, and all animals have always been like today, then there would be no extinction at all.
The devil says "Darn"?
Well, he would, he's so evil.
So this is why there are no gopher trees around anymore, because George Wash Noah's 10'9" brat pulled them all out of the ground...
At long last, a convincing explanation. This is even better than the bible. Now I'm a believer. Good-bye, fstdt, I'm off to Jesus church...
“As for dinosaurs. This is a good scene to describe how they have been used against god.
6,000 B.C. - Garden of Eden”
Usher calculated the Garden to 4004 BC. Why do you add two thousand years?
Feel free to provide the biblical evidence that Satan spoke to Adam.
Feel free to provide the biblical evidence for dinosaurs in The Garden.
“4400 B.C. - Building Site of Noah's Ark.”
According to tradition, you’re placing Noah’s Ark 400 years before Adam. Your credibility wasn’t that strong, anyway.
“1900 A.D. - Discovery of Dino Bones”
No, numbnuts. The bones were discovered a long time before that. They’re the source of many myths and legends. The protoceratids under Wales are the source of the legendary griffins, for example.
The theory of dinosaurs, to explain the fossils, goes back to 1824. You couldn’t read a timeline to make your own funeral on time, could you?
“Scientist - Huh? You're right! It all fits ((Into nothing)) this must mean the bible is fake.”
Yep. That’s how it works. One look at the age of a fossil and suddenly you’re an atheist. NO ONE retains their belief by just shifting Genesis from literal to metaphor. Nope. It’s ALL OR NOTHING.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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