If we were to re-design the hierarchy of all things living it would have to go like this....
Niggers, maggots, cockroaches, the bacteria in a mexican's ass, insects, land creatures, sea creatures, humans.
Ropes to make nooses can be purchased at any local hardware store. Buy one because when the day comes (and it will) Niggers will again be our property and they will be cutting my grass and cleaning my gutters for the bones of the chicken wings i bring home from buffalo wild wings.
I will be honored and do the white salute once they get all the zoo animals out of the white house.
Poor little racist coward, plotting all this from the safely of his parents' basement.
I'd suggest you practice your "white salute" in preparation for that day. Why don't you try it on the corner of 31st and Woodlawn in Chicago? I'd be interested to see how much of you they leave stuck to the pavement ;-)
"Niggers will again be our property..."
Uh, no they won't. The South won't rise again, either, no matter how hard you wish for it.
And I bet you didn't know that you have bacteria in your ass, too.
Well aren't you a Class A winner? Also, way to be Anonymous, I bet you are quite a brave man. Why not come out from behind the big question mark and voice your tripe with your balls out and hammers up? Oh you won't, didn't think so. Fucking coward.
Its shit stains like yourself that need to be made a public spectacle of evisceration, preferably with WWI bayonets. Nothing is worse than a racist bigot.
Don't worry though, if you ever grow a set and decide to spew your venom publicly, I will know where to look. You see, while you posted anonymously, you admitted to going to to a certain local restaurant chain in my area, and there are only three. I would be glad to show you the meaning of begging for scraps as I force your greasy chicken bones down your throat. I suggest you rethink your retardation.
Well, it's a pity, for you, that your ancestors found slaves quite productive for the labour work they could do but didn't want and was KEY to their economy.
Alex, I'll take "Things people who fuck their sisters say" for $1,000.
P.S., the Obama's dog has more IQ points than your entire family.
Amenhotepstein: "Poor little racist coward, plotting all this from the safely of his parents' basement."
Double-wides have basements?
"...because when the day comes (and it will) Niggers will again be our property and they will be cutting my grass and cleaning my gutters for the bones of the chicken wings i bring home from buffalo wild wings."
Wow, what a lovely fantasy...now make my goddamned Big Mac, you piece of white trash!
> Zeus Almighty
> Amenhotepstein: "Poor little racist coward, plotting all this from the safely of
> his parents' basement."
> Double-wides have basements?
Awright... crawlspace then, just don't step on the bodies!
Oh yeah? Well, why don't you go tell some black people in person then.
I suggest you do it in Camden, NJ.
Why are you so interested in Latino Ass (tm)...
Then I suppose you will take black people out of the NBA and the NFL, then out of football, running and all the other sports they kick ass at. I mean sure we can't dunk but alteast we have good fundamentals...
How stupid must one be to be a Smartpunter? One can only conclude, very. I suppose that you are free to express your racism, but the curious onlooker is aslo free to speculate on the type of upbringing that sullies a poential human mind in such a way. One can't help wondering why Smartpunters is so full of the clods and dolts who enjoy being arseholes.
Cockroaches are special, though, since they'll survive the apocalypse. Maybe the hierarchy is backwards. I mean, nobody thinks jellyfish are superior to dinosaurs or meerkats or elephants or even butterflies.
Paleface go home.
In 1942, the A E F landed in Algeria.
Shortly thereafter they got their arses handed to them by the much smaller D A K... Except for a few segragated negro battalions who held up the line (vague as it was) by holding their ground with older Springfields, (white units had the M1 Garrand semi auto).
Those negros saved their white comrades from being pushed back into the mediteranian.
Those same negros were later denied a place in the VE day parade.
Dream on, you retarded racist freak. Keep your sick dreams in "Leave it to Beaver" re-runs.
Also, out of random curiosity: What's so different about a white guy waving? do white people greet each other differently?
I swear, you damn racist whities are weird.
Wait... why would the chicken bones be in the gutter?
oh yeah I just got it, it's because this guy wears his only trash can on his head all day.
If we were to re-design the hierarchy of all things living it would have to go like this....
Racist fucktards, insects (cockroaches and maggots fall under the category of insects, you fucktard), land creatures, sea creatures, decent humans.
Wait...you want to hang black people and have them as slaves? Sorry, but dead people make lousy slaves. Lazy bastards just lie there getting all grody and discoloured, turning into mush and attracting bugs and animals. That bastard didn't even paint my fence when I gave him a fresh loaf of bread!
...Sure, Those views are pretty mainstream but WAIT!!!
"...and cleaning my gutters for the bones of the chicken wings i bring home from buffalo wild wings."
Throwing your wing bones into the gutters?.... As in rain gutters?
That is the beginning of a descent into madness....
I laughed out loud at the Buffalo Wild Wings reference. That was actually pretty funny.
As for the rest of the post, go back to jacking off to Hitler porn and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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