TRTL writes
'Now observe that silent majority attempt to dictate their views as being the only moral one, never mind the immorality of forcing a woman to give birth against her will.'
Just happens that the vast majority of journalist and writers on this topic impose their pro choice views on anyone they can.
TRTL speaks of the 'immorality of forcing a woman to give birth against her will'
No mention of the immorality she has often committed and then tries to cover it up by murdering her a baby. On top of that the shame is suppose to be on the one who calls this wicked act of murder wrong. Unbelievable!
Posted by runner, Monday, 23 June 2008 12:41:18 PM
Just happens that the vast majority of journalist and writers on this topic impose their pro choice views on anyone they can.
Yes, damn those journalists and writers for imposing, imposing their views on all those poor people who pay for and read their works entirely voluntarily.
Shorter Runner:
"Really, I think that women are inferior to men and should be forced to become pregnant against their will as punishment for being sexual and really just for being women."
Is it about imaginary "babies" or just about punishing uppity women for thinking we have the right to sexual freedom and pleasure the same as men do?
Right. What immorality is she covering up? She could've been raped, or the condom might've broken or something.
If sex is so "immoral" why is it necessary for continuation of our species?
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The immorality of getting raped in many cases?
And if you get any blood on this sword, I'm suing you. This is an antique.
No mention of the immorality she has often committed and then tries to cover it up by murdering her a baby
You mean the immorality, for example, of getting raped and then getting pregnant from it?
"No mention of the immorality she has often committed and then tries to cover it up by murdering her a baby."
The role that you, and people like you, play in the very thing that you are opposing she be abundantly clear by your own statement. Why do you assert (simplistically) that women abort? To hide the "immorality" of having sex out of whatever confines are expected by your righteous Christian brethren. Of course, you follow this up, not be attempting to redress your expectations regarding sexuality to better reflect human nature and reality, but rather, continue to shame people who act naturally and condemn them for trying to avoid your scorn through another (supposedly) immoral venue.
You've got a monopoly on being judgmental pricks, don't you?
So the rape was her sin, being molested was her sin. Even if it was consensual sex, how come the man gets off scott free?
A baby should be a welcomed joy, not a punishment for teenage misadventure. Anyway, if we made birthcontrol more widely available and taught more about it, abortions would go down.
It takes two to tango, and also to have sex which can result in a pregnancy. The man is just as immoral as the woman. If all the movies and books on the topic are correct, even more so. It seems to often be the man who prods and pushes and persuades and cajoles and begs, and the woman who say "no, no, we should wait, what if, I don't feel ready". And then the man can walk away, whistling a jaunty tune, while the woman stands there with all the "shame" and "immorality" on her shoulders.
Teach the girls and boys how to avoid pregnancies and STDs instead. Then the rate of abortions will go down significantly.
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