[In an article about the 'debate' that was supposed to prove God exists]
"Evolution is unscientific. In reality, it is a blind faith that's preached with religious zeal as the gospel truth. I'm embarrassed to admit that I was once a naïve believer in the theory,” said the former television star in a statement. “Atheism has become very popular in universities – where it's taught that we evolved from animals and that there are no moral absolutes. So we shouldn't be surprised when there are school shootings.”
Evolution exists independently of morality. I can think of no accredited university teaching evolution and morality together.
That's nonsense.
Morality depends neither on evolution nor on gods.
Atheists can be (and most are) very moral people, just as supposedly devoutly religious people can be very amoral individuals.
Your biases are showing.
Only religious fanatics and the mentally ill shoot up schools and blow up innocent people.
Atheists have better things to do with their time, like enjoying this life because they know that this is the only one we get.
“Atheism has become very popular in universities where it's taught that we evolved from animals and that there are no moral absolutes. So we shouldn't be surprised when there are school shootings.”
Spoken like someone who has never matriculated at any university, and has probably never set foot on a college campus.
I have gone to a total of three different universities in the past decade, two of which were secular, state-run institutions. I earned degrees at two of them. Guess what? At each one, every religion, ethnic group, and point of view was represented. At none of them were atheists even close to being a majority.
This type of propaganda may convince the uneducated, sub-literate hicks who listen to your radio program, but those of us who do have an education see right through your lies.
"Atheism has become very popular in universities"
Uh-huh... those the places where the minimum age is 18, where you go after you've passed the maximum age for School?
"So we shouldn't be surprised when there are school shootings."
Wow... so, something people get taught after they no longer go to school makes people who DO go to school shoot people...?
HE WAS PWNED in that debate. I watched it, and it was pretty awesome. I felt bad for the athiest reps, though, because when the fundies had their turn they spewed out crap and lies that couldn't be nipped in the bud right away; the atheists were wincing and eyerolling at the rampant stupidity. I can't believe how confident they were that they could prove absolutely, with science, the existence of a supernatural (i.e. outside the bounds of science) being.
One of my favorite bits went something like this: "Well if it's perfectly logical for God to be eternal, why can't the universe be eternal?" And guess what? No response! They couldn't come up with an answer to that one. Because they got PWNED.
I'm sure the anti-religious epithets I list here won't effect him, so I'm going to take an alternate route...
Kirk was never an atheist.He was probably were a confused agnostic. And from his arguments that I have seen, he knows about as much about the evolutionary process as a monkey knows about rocket ships. BTW, does anyone else think that Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron are butt buddies?
"So we shouldn't be surprised when there are school shootings."
Yeah, because when everyone believed in the magic sky daddy who clicked his fingers to bring about creation people were soooo much nicer to one another, weren't they? Fucking idiot.
Later on the same article:
According to a Zukerman study, in Sweden as many as 85 percent of the population are non-believers;
Ah, such a warming pride.
So, the teaching of evolution in college is the reason behind students shooting up their high schools ?
Please explain the logic behind this, Kirk.
Oh, and while you're at it, explain why the fanatical theocrats of the past started things like the Crusades, the Inquisition and the Holocaust.
I await your response like you await another acting gig: eagerly, but with little expectation.
While I of course share the view that morality is not in any way dependent on belief in evolutionary theory, I will temporarily play ball and work with Cameron's implicit assumption that it is.
It is, in fact, very easy to come up with an evolutionary basis for a kind of morality: don't do things like going on shooting sprees in colleges, because the police, or other concerned persons, acting in the interests of the species as a whole, will recognise you as a threat to the correct functioning of society and blow you the fuck away. It is somewhat difficult to pass on your genes after this has happened.
Gee, I wish someone would ask Kirk: if what you claim is true, then why are school shootings much less common in other, even more liberal countries? They teach evolution too, and a lot more of them are atheists or very liberal religious people!
Golly, maybe all the school shootings have nothing to do with teaching science at all, and are really the result of myriad problems within our good ol' US of A!
P.S. I've always thought that Growing Pains sucks :)
"Religion is unscientific. In reality, it is a blind faith that's preached with religious zeal as the "gospel" truth. I'm proud to admit that I'm a complete idiot when it comes to science, especially abiogenesis, the Big Bang theory, and the theory of evolution,” said the former television star in a statement. “Scientific ignorance has become very popular in religions where it's taught that some magic sky-pixie poofed everything into existence from nothing and that the bible says we are to kill followers of other religions, even killing entire towns when just one person is worshipping other gods. So we shouldn't be surprised when there are school shootings.”
"Evolution is unscientific.”
Says the guy who thinks science supports a ‘crocoduck.’
STFU, Kirk.
"In reality, it is a blind faith that's preached with religious zeal as the gospel truth.”
Except anything ‘preached’ as evolution can be observed by any critic. I question the entire concept of Hell. Where do i go to see the corroboration for that?
"I'm embarrassed to admit that I was once a naïve believer in the theory,” said the former television star in a statement.”
You should have learned more about it. Then maybe you’d ‘accept the science’ rather than ‘believe with blind faith’ something that’s not meant to be ‘believed.’
“Atheism has become very popular in universities – where it's taught that we evolved from animals and that there are no moral absolutes.”
Can you name a moral absolute? Something that is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wrong? Choose carefully, as God has, for example, directed abortions and slain an infant or fetus in his time.
"So we shouldn't be surprised when there are school shootings.”
Man, you have such a punchable face.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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