If millions of Jews were gassed the evidence shoudnt be a few eye witnesses, after all we could officially believe in Martians as I am sure there would be quite a few people who would have sworn they had seen them especially if there was financial advantage.
We look at forensic evidence of which there should be a massive paper trail at least of plans etc in the 10 tons of documents lieing in places like Arolson and the archives in Moscow.
The fact that it is illegal in most of Europe to discuss such matters and your blog would lead to a jail sentence in Germany, France etc should give you the answer as to whether there were any Nazi homicidal gas chambers!
Um, there was massive evidence. The gas chambers and crematoriums are still there, and there were tons of documents detailing the plans for the "final solution."
While I don't agree that it should be illegal to voice holocaust denial, I think people who deny it are idiots. And it's always the people who hate Jews and wouldn't mind seeing another Holocaust happen who deny that one actually did occur.
documentation, gas chambers, paraphenalia (dentures etc), clothes, bodies, burial pits, emaciated prisoners, testimony, confessoin.
Anything else needed?
Yeah, no plans whatsoever. The plans of the crematory that required a constant supply of human bodies in order to keep alight were no doubt a complete forgery. The film footage of gigantic piles of corpses was photoshopped. And the vast amounts of shoes, prostheses, clothes, and hair that were recovered from Auschwitz and Birkenau after the Allied invasion were simply donated by countless conscientious Jews at a clothing drive.
As for it being illegal in Germany to claim that the Holocaust was a hoax, I agree that it is not done in the faith of free speech. It is a reflex action against the knowledge that they and their ancestors were the ones who instigated one of the darkest moments in human history. Until the German people know for certain that they will never follow that road again, the law will remain, for better or worse.
So, let me get this straight, the copies of the minutes of the Wansee Conference, were fake, the telegraph sent directly to Hollorith's U.S headquarters, by the SS, requesting a technician to perform some maintaince on their tabulators, at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and the reply authorising such from Hollorith, even though the U.S was at war with the 3rd Reich, was a forgery...?
There were countless eyewitnesses in the form of concentration camp survivors, not to mention Allied servicemembers who liberated the camps.
Or, if you're saying that eyewitness testimony isn't valid, then why is it that every other conspiracy theory on the planet is considered valid by the nutjobs based on what just one person claims to have witnessed?
"What's that? Some yokel in backwoods Arkansas claims a UFO was spraying chemtrails? I can believe that. What? Hundreds of WWII vets claim to have seen concentration camps? I don't believe it. They must be lying for money."
Not only is it not illegal to "discuss such matters," on the day I visited Auschwitz, there were busloads of high school kids there. It's a mandatory field trip.
Some work on a fence was being done that day. In a trench in the ground I could see a distinct layer of white soil- the ashes of human bone.
Well, I've actually been to one of those camps, so, yes, there were death chambers. There are plenty of eye-witness accounts from people who were in the active camps.
It happened. Regardless of whether or not questioning it is illegal, eye-witness testimonies and physical evidence provide as much proof as just about anything can have.
Indeed, there is massive evidence. Gas chambers, corpses, confessions from their own slayers......................
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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