Hitler fought the same fight, caught between the corrupt Weimar capitalism that led to hyperinflation on one side, and the atheistic Bolshevist Communists on the other. That's the reason he's the perpetual archetype for evil whenever the entertainment media needs a villain, he dared to stand up to the globalists of his day in an effort to preserve white, Western culture. So those same forces are once again terrified of seeing the rise of a man against time.
That's the reason he's the perpetual archetype for evil whenever the entertainment media needs a villain
You mean it doesn't have anything to do with his fanatical racism, starting WWII, and the systematic genocide of a race of people?
"That's the reason he's the perpetual archetype for evil whenever the entertainment media needs a villain, he dared to stand up to the globalists of his day "
No, it's because he had factories for killing people.
Alas folks,
your knowledge about National Socialism matches the one you have of Females.
Both do sound enemies to you.
Pls don't call me raci$$t!
Hitler fought the same fight, caught between the corrupt Weimar capitalism that led to hyperinflation on one side, and the atheistic Bolshevist Communists on the other.
For the hyperinflation, wasn't the Occupation of the Ruhr the responsible?
As for atheism, Martin Bormann was excluding Christian priests from the N.S.D.A.P.
he dared to stand up to the globalists of his day in an effort to preserve white, Western culture.
And that included invading Poland and Hungary and killing anyone who wasn't part of what he thought was the "white, Western culture"? Guess what: with a name like Patrick, that probably included you and your family.
caught between the corrupt Weimar capitalism that led to hyperinflation on one side
Caught between? You don't know shit about the Weimarer Republik do you? You probably think Weimar is some guy's name.
The NSDAP was just as much a part of the Weimarer Republik as were all the other political parties. True, Hitler was at odds with the big capitalists, but only because they thought he was a violent, fanatic, extremist, dangerous little turd during his slow rise to power. Which he was.
The whole Weimarer period was one huge mess. Trying to simplify it into easily understandable terms, especially terms from today's perspective doesn't work.
And just how was capitalism during the Weimar period corrupt, or at least more corrupt than in any other period? Please explain in detail with examples.
"corrupt Weimar capitalism that led to hyperinflation"
...as opposed to the savings scheme for the KdF-wagen. Not one single person saw a Volkswagen Beetle. It was only after the war that VW agreed to redeem a percentage of the stamp savings books's post-WWII Reichmark equivalent value towards the price of a car.
Hitler was a scam artist. He's not the only one.
Well, having enemies who are not nice doesn't make you even better. Especially when, in fact, you are worse.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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