Venus de Smilo #racist

[Cliven] Bundy's remark about blacks being better off as slaves was silly. Everything he said up to that point was true and accurate for a majority of blacks - the violence , crime, hatred of whites, welfare, out-of-wedlock births, laziness, always looking for handout or running a scam of some sort - all true. But some blacks have succeeded, as we all know, and to claim that they were better off as slaves is absurd and ignorant. Nobody, not even those who resemble humans only in some characteristics, should be owned by another. Yes, way too many are on the government plantation, and I wish to God they'd go back to Africa, but to say that they had more freedom as slaves than they do now is one of the dumbest things somebody in Bundy' situation could say.

It had nothing to do with his land and grazing issues so he should have kept his views on negroes to himself. He sounds like a whacko, and now he's sputtering explanations of his comments.

Bundy lost political support because of his big mouth and colossal stupidity. He's a loser and he's made conservatives who want government to lose power and get out of our lives look like losers.

Bye-bye, Bundy. Stick a fork in him. He's done.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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