I know homosexuality is not normal, that is why it isn't a mental illness, they have been deceived by a demon (spirit) of homosexuality.
All mental illnesses have a demon behind them.
If you don't think demons exist you're in for a rude shock.
I know homosexuality is not normal, that is why it isn't a mental illness, they have been deceived by a demon (spirit) of homosexuality.
All mental illnesses have a demon behind them.
Two instant contradictions for the price of one!
It's more normal (so to speak) to be homosexual than to be American.
5-10 percent of the population is homosexual.
4 percent of the world population is American.
Is being American a mental illness?
Provide evidence for the existence of demons.
We're waiting...
Gay demons now? I thought it was straight men who the succubi were supposed to seduce in their dreams...but that's just another myth.
I don't know if any of the Melbourne players score for that team, but if they do, they would enjoy the showers after the game.
they have been deceived by a demon (spirit) of homosexuality.
This is reminiscent (intentionally?) of that tract that Jack Chick retracted, 'Wounded Children,' where the boy was 'tempted into' the homosexual lifestyle, which mainly involved hanging around a gay bar called, imaginatively, 'Gay Bar.' The demon doing the tempting was incredibly built and looked exactly like a 1970s gay porn actor (ok, apart from the horns and cloven hooves), and most of the post-outing scenes had huge pictures of gay men kissing in the foreground while the plot went on behind them.
(David eventually got saved by a dumpy, bearded ex-gay* who still frequented the bars to... to find men who would... be receptive to his... his message. He was selflessly doing reacharoun- I mean outreach. He was doing outreach work with the gay community. Outreach.)
*Apparently he is based on an actual person, Perri (sic) Roberts of gaysavedbyjesus.com.
I'm a little confused. First he says homosexuality isn't a mental illness, it's being "deceived by a demon"....but then he goes on to say "all mental illness have a demon behind them." Maybe he meant to say "it is a mental illness"? Either way he's full of crap, anyway.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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